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某个移开视线的人正在说谎A person who looks away is lying.

接着慢慢进入人们的视线。That's getting into recent memory.

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仓库阻挡了视线。The building is blocking the view.

我的汽车从邻居的视线中消失了。The carriage whirled out of sight.

那些树挡住了视线。The trees interfere with the view.

现饶暌估恒地消逝踪在视线的绝顶。Be now for ever taken from my sight.

你的外在美吸引我的视线。Your outer beauty attracted my eyes.

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黄色而透明的眼罩让我的视线一片浑浊。Yellow-paned goggles muddy my vision.

宾克的视线从手上移开。Bink jerked his eyes away from the hand.

墙遮断了我们的视线。The wall cuts across our line of vision.

球飞向果岭,消失在视线之外。It flew up to the green and out of sight.

有一个很大的,挡住了视线。There's a large that's blocking the view.

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他看着我,耸耸肩,就把视线移开了。He looked at me, shrugged and looked away.

他转移视线不看那可怕的景象。He averts his eyes from the terrible sight.

只在视线里存活一秒。咔嗒。Is alive in sight only for a second. Click.

只是我不愿片刻扯断她的视线。But that I would not lose her sight so long.

相顾无言,却模糊了视线。Care nothing, but blurred the line of sight.

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视线正在向大马士革和阿勒波转移。Eyes are now turning on Damascus and Aleppo.

它利用一片果树林躲避麻瓜的视线。It is hidden from the Muggles by an orchard.

你的倩影将我的视线玩弄。While shadows like to thee do mock my sight?