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雾霭的季节,果实圆熟的时令。Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.

这些年来,我看到他变得更加圆熟了。I"ve seen him grow more mellow over the years."

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创造性老练圆熟的广告能以一顶十。Properly practiced creativity can make one ad do the work of ten.

不过更重要的是,通过与别人配合工作,她的脾气改了不少,她觉得自己更圆熟了。Working with others has knocked the edges off her temper, made her smoother, she thinks.

在油彩、颜色的运用上,艺术家也显得技法圆熟。The effect is created through his remarkable virtuosity in the use of oil pigments and colors.

他在文学创作上遵循古典主义原则,善用“英雄双韵体”,且技巧圆熟,几臻完美,令人叹为观止。He follows the classicism principle, using "heroic couplets" while writing and becomes a master of it.

我说,我亲爱的朋友,假如对人类也采用这种原则,我们的统治者需要多么圆熟的技巧啊!My dear friend, I said, what consummate skill will our rulers need if the same principle holds of the human species!

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儒家学说和佛教都相当盛行,其视觉艺术显然技术圆熟,富有人性。Confucianism and Buddhism flourished, and Paekche's visual arts revealed technical maturity and warm human qualities.

新蒸馏所得的白兰地,香味不圆熟,质地粗糙,须在橡木桶中陈化。New distillation of brandy, fragrance not the mellow, quality of a material is coarse, must be stored in the oak barrel aging.

这种二元文学观在理论上虽然显得不够圆熟,但在当时的时代语境和文学语境中却具有积极的意义。Although the theory of duality in literature view seems immature, it has positive significance in age and literature environment of the time.

边抹线脚装饰主要变化是由质朴到圆熟、柔韧再到生硬、平直。Wipes the skintled brick work decoration main change is from to skillful, pliable but hard to break arrives again plainly is stiff, is straight.

爱尔兰橡香,正得名于赋予其圆熟、微妙橡香的珀里克烟草传统制法――烟草于橡木制的雪利酒桶中,陈化经年。As tradition dictates, the leaf is stored for many years in sherry oak barrels, giving the tobacco it's name and an exquisite mature oaken aroma.

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他心灵手巧,勤学苦练,又虚心向老前辈讨教,雕刻技艺日趋圆熟。He clever and deft, studies diligently and practices hard, also modestly asks for advice to the seniors, the carving technique is day by day skillful.

酒体醇厚的恰到好处,绽放出甜美圆熟的黑樱桃与覆盆子香气,同时可感受到拉雅堡特有的新碎岩释出的矿物芬芳感。It is medium-bodied with sweet, ripe black cherry and raspberry notes, some crushed rocks, and that distinctive minerality that Rayas seems to provide.

刘诗思想内容虽不如白诗丰富深刻,却善吸取民歌精华,而具有优美圆熟的艺术技巧。Liu Shisi though not like the content, such as white, rich and profound poetry, but good lessons folk essence, but with a beautiful mature, artistic skills.

当时它是一个中央集权的贵族统治的国家。儒家学说和佛教都相当盛行,其视觉艺术显然技术圆熟,富有人性。By then it was a centralized aristocratic state. Confucianism and Buddhism flourished, and Paekche's visual arts revealed technical maturity and warm human qualities.

这影响到附着其上的文学思想,也表现出人到中年之后的圆熟、厚重、内倾、尚理等各种成熟型智慧特色。Influenced by this point, the literary thinking attached also wore the intellectual features with ripeness, massiness, introspection and rationalism in the mature period.

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她没有思想的束缚,也不带有宫廷妇女的矫揉造作,相反,姑娘那种民间气质被画家以圆熟的技巧,热烈的色调准确地刻画出来了。She has no thoughts of bondage, also do not contain palace women's affectation, instead, the girl that folk temperament is ripe skills, the warm tonal accurately depict out.