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在黑种和白种公民之间一样生长。Growing among black folks as among white.

不论你是黑种人,白种人,黄种人。You're black, white, beige, chola descent.

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无论你是黑种人,白种人,黄种人。You're black, white, beige, chola descent.

这个城市里有很多黑种人和西班牙人。The city has large black and Hispanic populations.

黑种人不服从戒严和镇压。The black population is defying curfew and repression.

像白色人种一样,黑种人在许多方面已经表现为不同。Like the white- skinned peoples, blacks vary in many ways.

只是它在黑种人身上显现的更明显,因为他们是深色皮肤。But it's just more visible on black people , because they have dark skin.

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一个天赋异秉的黑种小伙——我在愤怒中迷失,无处可逃,只得屈身跪下。Young gifted black, I am down on my knees, irritated lost, nowhere to go.

乔治·华莱士声称他将同时为黑种人和白种人创造好的生活。George Wallace spoke of creating a better life for both blacks and whites.

他们无法接受黑种人应该或能够拥有核武器这一事实。They could not accept the fact that “black” people should—or could—possess them.

到第10年的时候,黑种及白种患者的复发率非别为17%和13%。At 10 years, the relapse rates were 17 percent and 13 percent for blacks and whites , respectively.

在南非,白种人在黑种人接管政权前摧毁了核武器。In South Africa the “whites” destroyed their nuclear weapons before handing over power to the “blacks.”

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罗德西亚之战绝不仅仅是白种人与黑种人之间的种族冲突,因为也有许多黑人和白人并肩作战。The war in Rhodesia was no simple conflict between whites and blacks. Many blacks fought with the whites.

一直在分发男用避孕套,但是感染率在华盛顿的黑种居民中依然居高。Male condoms have long been handed out but infection rates remain high among Washington's black residents.

黑种人和白种人青年群体中普遍存在个体代谢综合征组分的增加伴随胰岛素敏感性下降。The prevalence of the individual components of MetS increases with decreasing IS in Black and White youth.

尽管全国人口现在主要是年轻的黑种人或黑白混血儿,他们的领导人却形成了一个以白人为主的老人政权。Although the population is now mainly black or mulatto and young, its rulers form a mainly white gerontocracy.

本文还对中国汉族、日本人、白种、黑种人群的C4同种异型差异进行了对比与讨论。The differences of C4 genetic frequencies among Chinese Han, Japanese, Caucasian, and Negroid were also discussed.

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在黑种人中,白质病变或大脑梗塞与IL6基因变异之间缺乏明显的相关性,或在两个人种中,与C反应蛋白基因变异缺乏明显的相关性。Significant associations were lacking for WML or BI with IL6 gene variation in Blacks, or with CRP gene variation in either race.

研究发现黑种人尿量较白种人少,但尿浓缩指数高,这一情况在白天尤为明显。Black indiiduals were found to hae a significantly lower and higher urine concentration than white indiiduals, especially during daytime.

黑种人基于种族差异,是否转移较低的的腹壁多脂症和甘油三酯的风险,依然有待研究。It remains to be determined if lower abdominal adiposity and triglycerides in Blacks underlies the racial differences in risk translation.