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我们找到了一个可以乾六个月的德国换工。We've got a German au pair for six months.

你可以告诉我为什么要换工吗?P︰Could you tell me why you want to change job?

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根据现场实际换工况用于大件设备的安装和卸车工作。Employed in erection of other heavy equipments and unloading works.

你说如果一个技师9个月就换工作了,你该咋给他培训?How can you train a technician properly when he will switch jobs within 9 months.

该托换工区位于深圳市最繁华的东门商业区。The underpinning area lies in the most flourish shopping center in the east of Shenzhen.

大毛安慰李昂并告诉李昂自己换工作了,要去给大名鼎鼎的魔术师喻威当助理兼司机。Heavy hair comfort Leon and tell Leon in their work, going to a famous magician YuWei as assistant and driver.

各农户常把多余的劳力组织起来实行换工。Families would often organize working teams from their surplus labor and send them around to do work for others.

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想起这是怎样一种情形,就像刚搬家或刚换工作了一样不习惯,但几个月以后,就好多了。If you think about how disruptive it is when you just move house or change a job, imagine changing everything at once.

尽管她们中的很多人知道可能会从事一些性服务,但是还有一部分人单纯地以为她们是去作服务员或者换工住宿的女孩。And although many of the women know there'll be sex work involved, there are others who simply expect to work as waitresses or au pairs.

如果你正在考虑换工做或是开始新的职业生涯,你需要了解职场改变周期,伦敦商学院的奈杰尔尼克尔森教授说。If you're planning to change jobs or start a new career, you need to understand the transition cycle, says Professor Nigel Nicholson of the London Business School.

我们很多候选人换工作到这些公司,尽管薪酬只能持平或者更少,但是接触到了世界级的资源和高水准的运营环境。We see many candidates who make moves to such companies for comparable or even less money because they offer access to world-class resources and high-caliber operating environments.

温德尔顿指出,“如果上班的念头令你感到紧张或者身体不适,如果你发觉自己开始倒数离出发上班还有多久,你就得换工作了。”"If the idea of going to work makes you anxious or physically sick, and if you find yourself counting the hours until you can leave, you need to start job hunting, " says Wendleton.

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这非常不寻常,也许很多时候你在家或者非工作时间会考虑其他活动,但如果这个占据了过多的思维,那么是时候考虑换工作了。This is not unusual and while many times you will have thoughts of activities at home or outside of work, if they start to become a preoccupation, you may want to consider a career or job change.