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土坯房也被浸泡在水中,数百万人逃难。Mud houses are submerged, millions have fled.

成千上万人乘座小船逃难到佛罗里达.Tens of thousands flee for Florida in small boats.

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大卫被扫罗追杀,所以开始逃难的生涯。Saul chased after David, so he started life of outlawry.

还记得为了“安全”而进入短期债券和长期债券市场逃难的故事吗?Remember the flight to "safety" into T-bills and T-bonds?

她那已经患病的丈夫死在了逃难的途中。Her husband, who was already ill, died during their flight.

“啊,闭上眼睛,安息吧!冤魂!可怜的少年!”——一个僧人逃难的路遇。Ah, Close your eyes, Rest in peace! You innocent soul! you poor boy!

不久前的一个下午,还可以看到一群逃难者在吃午饭。On a recent afternoon, a group of defectors could be seen eatinglunch.

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梦境国度的逃难者,思想锋锐如利剑银刀。Refugees from the realm of dreams whose minds are as sharp as their swords.

自荆州失陷,逃难在鲍家庄养病。Since escaping the Jingzhou catastrophe, I've been recuperating at Bao Hamlet.

我们已经逃难逃了两个月了,被凯达尔将军的精英部队追赶了两个月。It is two months of flight, two months of pursuit by elite units of general Kendal.

一些人在飓风庇护所逃难,许多人简单地在路边搭起帐篷。Some took refuge at cyclone shelters while many simply set up camp beside the roads.

一位女发言人上周表示这些逃难者是去土耳其拜访亲戚。A spokeswoman suggested last week that those fleeing were visiting relatives in Turkey.

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还有逃难流亡的人都同他们联合,支持他们。And all they that fled from the evils, joined themselves to them, and were a support to them.

这个纪念馆记载了很多二战时逃难来到上海的难民的故事。The museum houses many tales of Jewish refugees who had fled to Shanghai during World War II.

在这支逃难队伍中,道的年龄就算比较大的了,他只能带领着他们,照顾着他们,但这些可怜的孩子还是有半数以上在逃难途中死去了。As one of the older boys, Dau led and cared for younger children, more than half of whom died.

与此同时,源源不断的朝鲜逃难者继续涌向清盛。In the meantime, the steady stream of NorthKorean defectors continues to flow into Chiang Saen.

与此同时,由于安全原因,我们将继续拦截逃难船只,并遣返船上的乘客。In the meantime, for safety reasons, we would continue to stop the boats and return the passengers.

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中国东北的政府领导总是为边境涌入的大批逃难贫民而感到棘手。Many leaders in northeastern China are frustrated over the steady flow of refugees escaping poverty.

刚刚逃出警察局的众人,撤离到杀庙街,路遇无数逃难的市民。Just escaped from the police all and evacuated to kill temple street, the road countless refugees citizens.

在逃难的人群当中也有乍得反对党的一些人士。他们说,他们的家庭遭到攻击。Members of Chadian opposition parties are also among those fleeing, after some say their families were attacked.