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他们就近前来。And they came near.

欢迎八方贵友前来商谈!Welcome you come to talk!

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雨云再度前来嬉戏。Rain clouds come to play again.

当撒旦前来试探我。When Satan tempts me to despair.

敬请即刻前来。Will you please to come at once.

你以前来过这儿吗,安妮塔?Have you been here before, Anita?

谢谢你允许我们前来致哀。Thank you for letting us come by.

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希望有识之士前来详细洽谈!Detailed i ight hope to negotiate!

一只老鸭前来造访母鸭。An old duck visits the mother duck.

请众前来。要在我众的上帝君王前叩拜。O come let us worship God our King.

提前来参观避开人潮吧。Scale early to avoid tour busloads.

以利亚以每秒三十二英尺的速度前来。Elijah thirtytwo feet per sec is com.

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稳步辊女子前来自首途中。Steady rollin woman gonna come my way.

粟妮走进一家商店,汤姆主动迎上前来。Jenny enters a shop and Tom greets her.

帕勒克斯同样也欢迎当地的学生前来。Paillex also welcomes local schoolkids.

其他一些士兵前来围观。Someother soldiers surrounded to watch.

这时,一位穿黑衣服的先生走向前来。Then a gentleman in black came forward.

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我们的经理李先生前来接迎您。我来介绍一下。I would like to introduce you to Mr. Li.

有一棵鸽子前来葬身的树There's a tree where the doves go to die

李大嫂伸出手走向前来。Aunt Li came forward, extending her hand.