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又名惯性定律It's called the Law of Inertia.

唯有行动可以击败惯性。Inertia is beat only by movement.

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组织生活中存在惯性。Inertia pervades organizational life.

记住惯性是一种很大的力量。Remember, inertia is a powerful force.

惯性使汽车驶到了人行道上。Inertia carried the car to the pavement.

惯性导致了三分之二的婚姻。Inertia accounts for two-thirds of marriages.

一日快速增长的投资惯性的作用。Rapid growth of investment in the role of inertia.

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你必须是"惯性观察者"才行You have to be what's called an "inertial observer."

所以很明显教室不能作为惯性参考系。So clearly 26.100 is not an inertial reference frame.

为使电枢克服惯性而制动,就需要一定的能量。Power is needed to stall the armature against inertia.

寻北仪是一种采用惯性工作原理的方位指示仪器。North finder is a kind of autonomous azimuth indicator.

这是惯性制导系统,的基础概念。This is the basic idea behind inertial guidance systems.

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一定要多加练习,直到双手形成了某种惯性。Practice until holding with the proper hand is automatic.

这么一来惯性的被动状态就能说得通了。So apparently the passivity the inertia can be explained.

重点就是,惯性参考系是存在的The point is that there are inertial frames of reference.

物体的质量越大,它的惯性就越大。The greater the mass of a body, the greater is its inertia.

这是所谓的不变惯性问题,本文将予回答。The peper answers the so-called invariant inertia question.

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伽利略和笛卡尔用惯性的概念将其取代。Galileo and Descartes replaced that with the idea of inertia.

惯性和容量的效应都是随时间而变化的。Both the inertance and capacitance effects are time-dependence.

燃烧机的加热对象一般都是大惯性、纯滞后的系统,很难建立其精确的数学模型。It is difficult to set the math model, and even we can not set.