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这里孕育着农垦人的神奇与希望。Here gestates and land reclamation of magic and hope.

各农垦公司正在争夺可能到手的每一英亩土地。Corporate farmers are scrambling for every acre of land they can get.

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各地区数未含农垦、监狱系统的数量。The statistical data by region do not include the farms and jail systems.

黑龙江省农垦科学院成立于1979年。Heilongjiang Academy of Land Reclamation Sciences was established in 1979.

这里的明天预示着农垦的发展将更加灿烂辉煌。Here the tomorrow land reclamation of adumbrative development will be more magnificent.

第二部分介绍了我国海南农垦橡胶产业的发展历程。The second part introduces the development of rubber industry in Hainan State Farms course.

河北省农垦区面积较大,并有一定数量和特色的集体所有制乡村。Hebei Provincial Land Reclamation District larger, and a certain amount of the collective villages.

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河西地区是甘肃省重要的农副产品供应基地,农垦企业的诞生成为当地经济发展的亮点。The birth of land-reclamation enterprises have propelled the development of economy of Hexi region.

富农经济、经营地主经济和农垦公司是东北农业资本主义经营的主要形式。Rich peasant economy, managing landlord economy and farming company are the forms of these operations.

试验于2008年在黑龙江八一农垦大学林甸县吉祥村试验基地和农学实验室进行。Test in 2008 in Heilongjiang province Lindian County auspicious test base village and agronomic laboratories.

将灰色系统理论中灰色关联度分析的方法,应用于海南农垦经济分析。This paper applies the gray incidence analytic method of gray system theory to the analysis of Hainan economy.

作为世界最大赛马场的开发商,迪拜梅登将与马来西亚的TAK设计咨询公司、中国的洲际集团以及天津农垦集团在该项目上展开合作。Malaysia's TAK Design Consultants, China's Zhouji Jiye and Tianjin Farm Group will partner with Meydan on the project.

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阿德里安美国密歇根州东南部一城市,位于底特律西南部。为肥沃农垦区中的商业中心。人口22,097。A city of southeast Michigan southwest of Detroit. It is a trade center in a fertile farming region. Population, 22, 097.

同时指,出人类的农垦活动是富锦沼泽湿地面积退缩的主要原因。And the predominant driving force for wetland shrinkage in Naoli River Basin is the reclamation activities by human beings.

在东北的沈阳附近,一个新的农垦区的老农们耕作最近灌溉的水稻田。Muckbusters on a new frontier, peasants till a rice field recently brought under irrigation near Shenyang in the northeast.

天津市宝德包装有限公司,是以天津市农垦集团总公司为投资主体的股份公司。Tianjin Baode Packing Co Ltd. is a stock company with Tianjin Land-reclaimable Group Corporation as its main investment body.

农垦企业在地域空间的集聚又促进了小城镇的发展。At the same time, the convergency of land-reclamation enterprises also accelerated the development of a wide place in the mad.

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他监测了哥斯达黎加森林带和农垦区的鸟类,以记录下栖息地流失和土地使用对鸟类灭绝所产生的影响。He monitors birds in Costa Rica's forest fragments and agricultural areas to document the effects of habitat loss and land use.

不同时期,人口数量、农垦的地域分布和水利事业发展均有所不同。Different periods has different population quantity region of land reclamation and cultivation distribute and water conservancy.

自营农业收入差异是造成农垦职工自营纯收入差异的主要原因,餐饮业是造成收入差异的第二位因素。Self-manage agriculture is the main reason that contributes to the difference in income level. The restaurant is the second factor.