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原本的氛围已无迹可寻。All form of aura is absent.

我原本是从得克萨斯来的I'm originally from Texas and

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节省原本你要花出的钱。Save what you would have spent.

你知道的,我原本应是“龙武士”。You knew I was the Dragon Warrior.

Bragman说,"我们原本预期会更好."Bragman said. "We expected better."

原本是古长江的河床。Used to be the bed of Yangzi River.

小阿尔伯特原本喜欢老鼠。Little Albert originally liked rats.

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试想一下,我们原本可以成就多少事情?Just think of what we could have done.

那是她平生众多个第一次中的一个,她原本觉得醉酒是那么地自由,多么美妙!She’d been feeling so wonderfully free!

我原本可以打场好球的。I could have just really got it rolling.

我们的文化原本就很讲究内敛,”龚说道。Our culture is introverted, " Gong says.

这些数据比原本预期的还差。The figures are much worse than expected.

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你不知道!我原本可以成为名流。You don't understand! I coulda had class.

沉迷和被迫做某事都会毁了原本好的生活。Addictions and compulsions can ruin lives.

爱,原本无错可言!Love, the original error-free to speak of!

许多药物原本都是来自于植物。Many of our medicines originate in plants.

这是原本的样子,但现在是这样的Here is what we would expect, , but we got.

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这原本将是赫夫纳的第三次婚姻。It would have been Hefner's third marriage.

这些男孩原本应该被赶下公共汽车的。The boys should have been turfed off the bus.

我说,"原本"是什么意思I said, "What do you mean started the course?"