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幸福家庭不会唾手可得,尤其是在当今世风日下的社会。Making happy homes is not easy, especially in a corrupt society.

我想,我是彻底迷失了,于这个世风日下的恐怖世界!What a pathetic world! And what a miserable life we are living now!

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每一代人都相信世风日下,令人叹息。Every generation is convinced there has been a deplorable breakdown of manners.

不好意思,先生请问您能谈谈英国人的举止文明是否是世风日下呢?Excuse me Sir, would you say that manners are getting better or worse in the UK?

这是我们社会世风日下或者好莱坞生产出更好电影的一个指针吗?Is that an indication of a decline in our society, or is Hollywood making better movies?

社会转型时期,人们普通关心世风日下和道德滑坡的问题。During Social transformation period, people all pay attention to degraduation and moral puzzlers.

但还是有那么多人认为我们正处于道德麻烦之中,世风日下,孩子们都失了控。But so many people think we’re morally in trouble, in a downward spiral and teens are out of control.

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“礼仪运动”的领导人、播音员埃瑟兰泽恩说,缺乏规范也是“世风日下”的一个原因。The head of the Campaign for Courtesy, broadcaster Esther Rantzen, said a lack of discipline was also to blame.

在这人心不古,世风日下的社会。我们要用传统的价值观来滋养当今的时代。The present society is full of moral degradation, so we should bring the value of our tradition to the care of our times.

近日英国一所公立学校针对在校学生发起了一场“礼节周”活动,旨在扭转世风日下的趋势。据悉,此次活动的参加者不乏三岁幼童。One public school in UK, however, is attempting to reverse a decline in good manners with an etiquette week for pupils, including those as young as three.

当下的老师,真正能做到有良知的毕竟是少数的,而大多数的已经被世风日下而选择隐秘自己的良知,这也是笔者所亲身感受过的。The present teacher, can really achieve the conscience is the minority after all, and most have been deteriorating and choose to conceal their conscience, this is also the author of the experience.