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第四,使用价值是表达价值规律内容的基本范畴。Thirdly use value is the basic category of content of value Law.

价值规律是商品价值由社会必要劳动时间决定的规律。The law of value is determined by socially necessary labour time.

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各级、各类医疗机构及其服务行为、价值规律将始终发挥调节作用。The value discipline will regulate the medical agency and its service.

是在高度商品化的社会里,价值规律仍然有效。Even in a highly commercialised society, law of value still holds good.

与工业生产一样,农业生产也受价值规律的支配。As in industry, production in agriculture is governed by the law of value.

我想这是不可能的,世界永远由价值规律支配着。I think this is impossible, the world is always dominated by the law of value.

价值规律依然对社会主义市场经济起着调节作用。The law of value still plays a role as adjustment to the socialist market economy.

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工程建设产品和其它的商品、服务一样受到价值规律的影响。Construction products are also influenced by the law of value like other goods and services.

物化劳动也能够创造价值是商品生产发展的必然结果,是价值规律自发调节的产物。That materialized labor creates value is the certain result of auto-adjustment of value principle.

房地产市场有必要从价值规律、供求关系的角度根本性研究其行情与波动。It is necessary to study real estate market from the angle of pricing principle and supply-demand relationship.

地价理论阐述了土地价格是资本化了的地租,土地价格仍遵循价值规律。The theory of land priceexpatiates on land price is the capitalization of land rent , land price follows the law of value.

但是过度价格竞争,则背离了价值规律,既扰乱了旅游市场,又损害了消费者利益。On the contrary, excess competition would deviate the law of value, disorder the tourist market and hurt the consumer's benefit.

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这种模式的市场经济,信仰价值规律,政府对经济生活的干预较少。The market economy of this kind of mode, believe in law of value, the intervention that the government lives to economy is less.

意思是,随着计划的变更,您必须不断地监控该计划的价值规律,以免它落到可接受水平以下。This means that you must continuously monitor the value proposition for an initiative as it changes, lest it fall below an acceptable level.

这种在不同层面存在的正和关系构成了相对剩余价值规律的抵销因素。The existence of such positive-sum relations of capital and labor can be considered as counteracting factor of the law of relative surplus value.

把市场机制与计划机制、价值规律与有计划按比例发展规律截然对立是片面的。It is onesided to put market mechanism in absolute conflict with plan mechanism, value law with the law of proportional development in a planned way.

因此,共产企业经济也就不存在被收购、吞并、贬值等价值规律的约束和控制等问题。So there are no such problems of restrain and control by the law of value as acquisition, merger, devaluation, etc in the Communist enterprise economy.

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从经济史和平等观念史看,马克思主义关于价值规律与平等观念彼此对应的见解,也是正确的。The history of economics and of conception of equality have prove that Marxist opinion of parallelism between law of value and the concept of equality is right.

值得关注的是,价值规律衍生的一项副作用却造成了市场的垄断和集中。However, a truth worth our attention is that one of the side -effects derived from the Value Rules could contribute to the monopoly and centralization of the market.

文章通过对马克思主义商品生产所用研究方法的借鉴,提出了劳动二次凝结的概念,来丰富价值规律的涵盖面,并对几种特殊的商品进行了理论验证。This article uses the research technique through the model that Marx had used to research the commodity production, and proposes the concept named labor re-congeals.