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他因其英勇事迹而受表彰。He is honored for his heroic deeds.

两座牌坊,表彰三代人?Two steles honoring three generations?

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你如何来宣导服务表彰?How can you promote service recognition?

他因断案准确而受到表彰。He was cited for settling lawsuits correctly.

王先生因其出色的工作而受到了表彰。Mr. Wang was honoured for his excellent work.


那位士兵死后因作战勇敢而受到表彰。After his death, the soldier was cited for spunk.

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这位将军授勋于该战士,表彰他的英勇行为。The general decorated the soldier for his brave act.

2001年,为表彰他的成就召开了纪念论文大会。In 2001 a Festschrift conference was held in his honor.

今天正是我们表彰和感谢他们的日子。Today is the day that we recognize them and thank them.

美国军队奖给值得表彰的服务的勋章。A US military decoration awarded for meritorious service.

他的出色战功得到表彰。He was cited for his distinguished service in the battle.

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上周,40名入围决赛者在华盛顿获得表彰。The forty finalists were honored in Washington last week.

大多数受到表彰的为当代妇女,她们包括Most of the honorees are contemporary women, such as these

自从我们入侵阿富汗以来,只有八位受过表彰。Only eight have been awarded since we invaded Afghanistan.

他被授予一枚勋章,以表彰他的卓越战功。He was confered a medal to set forth his military exploits.

他想表彰那些献身于葛底斯堡战役中的勇士们。He wanted to honor the brave men who had died at Gettysburg.

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管理者公开表彰员工的良好表现。The manager publicly recognizes employees for good performance.

为了表彰他的勇敢,这个士兵被授予一块金牌。As a reward for hais bravery, the solder was given a gold medal.

因一生中最糟的一天受表彰挺怪的。It is sort of weird being honored for the worst day of your life.