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这是一个严酷的冬天。It was the cruellest winter.

战争更严酷地彰显了这一现实。In war, this reality becomes even starker.

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她开始意识到生活中的种种严酷现实。She is awaking to the grim realities of life.

月亮是一个被铁腕政权统治的严酷的殖民地。The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Robert Heinlein.

在这个严酷的考验中,恒一直僵硬地躺着,默不作声。Through this ordeal Heng lay stiff and silent.

他是个严酷的人,既自负又爱管闲事。He is a harsh man, at once pompous and officious.

那是爱的课程还是关于现实的严酷的课程?Will you teach love or a harsh lesson of reality?

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严酷的冬训从今天开始,持续一周。Severe Winter Training started from today for a week.

但是这个完全开放的网络世界依然存在着更为严酷的环境。But on the wide-open Web exists a harsher environment.

萨卢斯特是颗大气环境严酷的火山星球。Sullust is a volcanic planet, with a harsh atmosphere.

任何武器应能经得住任何严酷的气候条件。Any weapon could stand up to severe weather conditions.

这样严酷啊?你少见风吧,在家好好养养。This harsh ah? You wind it rare, Yang Yang a good home.

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承宪应该很快就要去接受严酷的冬训了。SH is supposed to go to severe winter training very soon.

澄清这些扭曲和图片是严酷的。Straighten out these distortions and the picture is grim.

尤达还有过一个学生,是强大而严酷的库·拉恩。Another student of his was the powerful and stern Qu Rahn.

在议会,严酷的形势已经变得对瓦洛伦极为不利。The tide had already turned against Valorum in the Senate.

他统治时期法律严酷,造成了人人自危的恐怖统治。Therefore many officials were killed in his ruling period.

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历经严酷的训练是完善自我的必由之路。After rigorous training is the only way to self-perfection.

由于之前常吃火锅,掉发比往常都要严酷!Prior to eat the hot pot, hair loss than usual to be tough!

由于面部皮肤过敏严酷,所以不能过火滋养。As harsh facial skin allergies, it can not nourish the fire.