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我还知道伊朗妇女站在运动的前列。Iran’s women stand in the vanguard.

甲氨蝶呤和米索前列醇使用是一个分两步走的方法。Methotrexate and misoprostol use is a two-step method.

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前列地尔是一种药物,可用于所有三种方式。Alprostadil is one drug that can be used in all three ways.

无论如何,米索前列醇在印度有一个曲折的历史。Misoprostol has in any case had a chequered history in India.

香港在这次全球救灾行动中走在了前列。The southern Chinese city is spearheading a global relief drive.

中国经济的发展严重依赖煤炭资源并且中国的二氧化碳排放量也居于世界前列。It relies heavily on coal and is the world's leading CO2 emitter.

一个简单的方法就是每天下班前列一个“需完成事项"清单。Asimple solution is to write a “to do” listat the end of each day.

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在S4之前列文斯顿总是由于记录到附近干扰而每天停机。Before S4, Livingston was down every day due to logging next door.

嘿,如果你现在到苹果专卖店前排队,你就能排在队伍的最前列了!Hey, if you head to the Apple store now, you can be first in line!

这些机构的总部基本都设在爱丁堡,并且养老基金规模数全国前列。All are Edinburgh-based and among the largest pension funds in Britain.

同类产品中走在了高档地板国产化的前列。Similar products in the walk in the forefront of high-end domestic floor.

十年以后,气候变化依然处于国际议事日程最前列。Ten years later, climate change is equal top of the international agenda.

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为书签交易的公认标准是约300迪格斯进入前列。The accepted criteria for reddit is about 300 diggs to get into top list.

我国的电信收入占GDP之比例已高居世界前列。The percentage of revenue in GDP has been among the highest in the world.

相反,现在正是将推动普及医保这件事放在国家事务的前列和中心的时候。It is, instead, a time to put the push for universal care front and center.

这些狭隘的担忧位于对银行体制较广泛担忧的前列。These narrow concerns are on top of broader fears about the banking system.

历届开幕式上,希腊队总是走在运动员队伍的最前列。At the opening ceremonies, the Greek team always leads the parade of athletes.

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赤峰市的草地建设在内蒙古的草地建设中居于前列。Grassland construction of Chifeng City is in the first rank in Inner Mongolia.

中国现已是个拥有精密举国体制的体育强国,伦敦以及之后,她仍将高居奖牌榜前列。China is now a sports power with a sophisticated state-supported sports system.

工商业污水附加费-东盟章程,是在全国前列的环保回收技术和服务。TES-AMM is at the forefront of environmental recycling technology and services.