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我还过得去。I get by.

还过得去么Yeah, just barely?

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买个还过得去的相机。Use a decent camera.

可能也过得去。And that might be just fine.

新的经理还过得去吗?Does the new manager pass muster?

我的糊口还过得去,不过还可以更好。I'm able to get by, but it could be better.

你的作业还过得去,但要努力改进。Your work will get by,but try to improve it.

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我认为她的工作水平还过得去。I'd say her work is of a reasonable standard.

自动翻译服务简直就是魔法——输入一些外国文字,马上就能得看到英文译本,质量还过得去。AUTOMATIC translation services seem like magic.

画画不好还过得去,比如,You can get around not being good at drawing like,

用不着让开,我想我刚好能过得去。Don't bother to move I think I can just brush past.

他的发音如果说不算好,至少也还过得去。His pronunciation, if not good, is at least tolerable.

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然而,还过得去。真正的问题是我没有衬衫和领带。Still, it'll pass. The real problem is I have no shirt or tie.

只要我们节省一些,是能过得去的。我会如数归还你的。We can get along if we economise. I'll pay you back all right.

还过得去吧。但我有点提心今年会下霜。Its' not bad. But I'm little worried about the frost this year.

不可以邋邋遢遢,在顾客面前你一定要看上去还过得去,干净利落。Don't be sloppy, you have to look presentable and neat around customers.

也许,在找到一个二手的之前,一时没有它也过得去。Well, maybe you can go without it for awhile, until you do find a used version.

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由于对硅谷房价出奇的高早有所闻,所以看到房子还过得去,真出乎意料。With Silicon Valley's notorious prices in mind, I expected to see a much worse house.

现在任何一个计算机业的熟练工人都能设计出一个过得去的可伸缩系统。Now any journeyman computerista can do a reasonable job at designing a scalable system.

只有当公司经营得不算很成功,但至少还过得去的时候,清算权才显得重要。These rights become important when the company is simply performing okay, but not great.