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可别小看丹·布朗运筹帷幄的能力。Don't doubt the Dan Brown juggernaut.

我自己在文字编织的世界里运筹帷幄。My own writing strategies of the world of knitting.

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第六,他运筹帷幄以智取胜。Sixth, he anticipated and outsmarted the competition.

同时,许多政府的政治决策也是由他在运筹帷幄。Mr Osborne also does much of the government’s political thinking.

而机警的对手们也在运筹帷幄,以减轻预期的打击。Their wary opponents are manoeuvring to soften the expected blow.

我坚决相信每一件事情都有上帝的手在其中运筹帷幄。I'm a firm believer that God has His hand in everything that happens.

但是,这并不代表白宫通过运筹帷幄获得了经济胜局。But this isn't the economic success story that the White House is spinning.

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他多次为曹操出谋划策,运筹帷幄,时人称其有张良、陈平之才。He has plans to Cao Cao, strategist, when he has called Liang, Chen's only.

Clemente医生称,该机构成立了一个叫做“运筹帷幄”的小办公室。Dr. Clemente says the agency formed a small office called "Leadership at a Distance."

你以为你运筹帷幄,其实永远都弄不明白它会长什么样,是吗?Do you think you are ingenious, always to no avail not understand it looked like, yes?

他突然显得精明能干,象是一名官员,一个运筹帷幄,发号施令,完成大业的人。He suddenly seemed capable, an official, a man to contrive to direct, to get things done.

想必政府空调房里面坐着的都是运筹帷幄的曹操吧?The Government must have sat inside the air-conditioned rooms are strategizing of Cao Cao, right?

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前领导人们插手介入某些事情时通常只是在幕后运筹帷幄。When former leaders have kept a hand in things, they have usually done so from behind the scenes.

我公司真诚欢迎您的到来,将帮你运筹帷幄决胜千里。I sincerely welcome your company's arrival will help you devised strategies Out of a thousand miles.

你如果能运筹帷幄,那么尽管抓住方向盘,驾驶你的财务之舟驶向理智选择的彼岸吧。You ARE in control, so seize the wheel and steer your financial vehicle to the land of wise choices.

一个擅长讲故事的人不只是分享他的故事,而是对人物和背景也运筹帷幄。A good storyteller knows far more about his characters and settings than he shares with his audience.

两个人的运筹帷幄之道,实在是差得太多太多了。Two people devise strategies among a bid tent of the access is really bad Be obtaining tooer numerous.

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处女座工作勤奋、善于运筹帷幄以及干净整洁是吸引眼光敏锐的处女座女性的先决条件。Virgo Hardworking, masterful and clean as a whistle are prerequisites to attract a discerning Virgo lady.

公司本着“品质至上,信誉第一”的经营理念,运筹帷幄,实现跨越发展。Company of "quality first, credibility first" business philosophy, strategizing to achieve leapfrog development.

他运筹帷幄、出谋划策,对于起义军的发展和最终推翻明王朝起了重要作用。Song Xian-ce gave counsel and played an important role with a mastermind in the war of overturning Ming Dynasty.