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这三种牛都属于牛族吧。The three kinds of words are all belong to Cattle.

这种牛头人身的神像通常被放在木乃伊体内。This god which has the head of a cow was normally placed inside a mummy.

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安格斯牛和赫里福德种牛是从他的家乡蒙大拿州农场运来的。The Angus and Hereford cattle came from ranches in his home state of Montana.

由万能骏的,像他这样的,特殊的显示马和显着的种牛。Stallions by Magnum are, like him, exceptional show horses and remarkable sires.

这6头种牛是提供日本著名的牛肉品牌"宫崎牛"的仅存种牛。The 6 bulls are the only remaining breeding animals for the highly sought-after "Miyazaki beef".

一头漂亮的种牛对自己将要获奖的事茫然不知!A very handsome specimen, but it was completely nonplussed about the prospects of winning a trophy!

经实验室研究和受胎试验筛选出了适合新疆农牧区较理想的几种牛冻精解冻液和保存方法。Several kinds of thawing solutions for bull's semen and the method of its preservation were obtained.

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写到这个的时候,他想起了种马种牛的取精技术。While writing about it, he remembered the technique with which the samples of the semen of studs and bulls are taken.

目的观察贵州省两种牛带绦虫感染小鼠生化指标动态改变。Objective To observe the dynamic change on the biochemical index in mice experimentally infected with Taenia saginata.

这种小种牛原产自华盛顿理查德。格拉德沃尔的农场,在那里理查德经过了44年的基因试验才创造了这种熊猫牛。The breed originated on the Washington farm of Richard Gradwohl, who created it after 44 years of genetic manipulation.

这将不夸张地说,每一个土库曼知道和种牛的名字最好的土库曼斯坦纯种。It would not be an exaggeration to say that every Turkman knows the names of the best Turkmenian thoroughbreds and sires.

遵守过去的方式,佩内达-热尔的一些农夫们仍然在用长角牛犁田,但是这种牛正在逐渐灭绝。Hewing to the old ways, some farmers in Peneda-Gerês still plow behind a team of longhorns, but they are a vanishing breed.

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用8种限制酶分析了种牛科动物,羚牛、黄牛、水牛、绵羊和山羊的线粒体DNA的多态性。Eight restriction endonucleases were used to investigate mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms of takin, cattle, sheep, buffalo and goat in Bovidae.

根据生长发育和后裔性能测定选择18月龄后备种牛是渤海黑牛选择的重点。It was important to select replacement bulls of 18—month—old based on their growth and development and progeny testing in Bo—Hai Black Cattle.

日本科学家已成功复制一种可生产高档牛肉品牌的种牛祖宗,可能为行销复制牛肉铺路。Japanese scientists had successfully cloned the ancestral bull of a luxurious brand of beef, possibly opening the way to distribute cloned beef.

多亏了达尔文的呼吁,奇灵厄姆牛的记录持续了150年,如今的分析发现这种牛对气候变化做出了生育反应,只不过在冬季出生的牛犊死亡率也提高了。Thanks to Darwin, records on Chillingham cattle go back 150 years, and show a breeding response to climate change resulting in more winter calf deaths.

从我国养牛业的现状和存在的主要问题,指出养牛业需要大力发展,当前必须大量引种和繁殖种牛。In view of the present status and main problems in China's cattle industry, it is necessary to increase the introduction of good breeds and the breeding sires.

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日本22日宣布,宫崎县6头珍贵"和牛种牛"中的一头感染了口蹄疫。One of the 6 stud bulls that Japan prized has been confirmed infected with foot-and-mouth disease in Miyazaki Prefecture, the Japanese government said Saturday.

同时,从种牛选择,冻精制作与保存、选配方法、建立冷冻胚胎库等方面提出了具体技术措施。Meantime, the concrete measures were elicited for bull selection, making and preservation of frozen semen, mating methods and frozen embryo pool establishment etc.

日本岐阜县官员近日称,享有"飞弹牛之父"美誉的一头种牛被日本科学家成功克隆。"Japanese researchers have successfully cloned what is believed to have been the progenitor ox of Gifu Prefecture's "Hidagyu" beef, prefectural officials said recently.