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真的鄙视他们。Really despised them.

我们空白接受鄙视。Our blank in scorning.

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对此她只有鄙视。She only scorned for it.

行贿者受人鄙视。He who bribes is to be despised.

鄙视老人是一种歧视。Ageism is a form of discrimination.

曾有七次我鄙视了自己的灵魂Seven times have I despised my soul

她因他胆小如鼠而鄙视他。She despised him for his cowardice.

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他们害怕并且鄙视男性化。They fear and despise the masculine.

好人应鄙视谄媚者。A good man should disdain flatterers.

伟大的人物应鄙视献媚者。A great man should disdain flatterers.

我在克格勃的老朋友们都很鄙视格勒乌。My old friends at KGB despise the GRU.

鄙视我的人那么多,你算老几?。Despise me so much, how senior are you?

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我鄙视那些虐待动物的人。I despise anyone who is cruel to animals.

违背者必然遭到谴责和鄙视。Violators will be condemned and despised.

当然了,我也鄙视抄书行为。And of course, I have zero respect for thieves.

这个守财奴受到城市里每个人的鄙视。The miser was despised by everyone in the city.

他们非常鄙视因袭。They have a great contempt for conventionality.

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走进一家你平常很鄙视的一家店。Walk into a store that you’ve always disdained.

“你是个侏儒,”小格里夫鄙视的说。"You're a dwarf, " Young Griff said scornfully.

但我鄙视那些离不开这些东西的人。But I despise people who depend on these things.