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人们把它叫做旗袍。People call it a cheongsam.

那件花绸的旗袍还可以穿。You can wear that flowered silk dress.

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玛莎拿出一件中国旗袍展示给我们看。Martha held out a cheongsam for us to look.

却看到地下室里,一长溜排着的旗袍。But in the basement, a long row of cheongsam.

如果您想做旗袍,你要用缎子。If you want to make Qipao, you need the Satin.

她身穿一件素缎的旗袍,显得妩媚动人。She wore a white cheongsam, it was very charming.

姐姐的绸缎旗袍在灯光下显得鲜妍夺目。My sister's silk cheongsam is shining in the light.

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旗袍是一种中国传统服装。Cheong-sam is a kind of Chinese traditional clothes.

在中国,很多女性都喜欢穿旗袍。In China, many females are fond of wearing a cheongsam.

我想要给自己买一件旗袍。面料是什么样的呢?I want to buy a Cheongsam for myself. What's the fabric?

在30年上海的上海,旗袍的美被当时的女性发挥地淋漓尽致。In Shanghai, Qipao greeted its prime time in the 1930's.

我想做件旗袍。你能照这个式样做吗?I'd like to make a cheongsam, can you make me this style?

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介绍了旗袍的起源与发展。The origins and developments of the Qipao are Introduced.

她是一名女版的潜伏者,代号“旗袍”。She is a female version of the latent, code-named "dress."

王师傅,您看我的身材适不适合穿旗袍?Mr. Wang, do you think my figure is suitable for a cheongsam?

妈妈有一件淡蓝色的绢绸旗袍,特别漂亮!Mother has a light blue silk cheongsam , it is very beautiful.

如今,旗袍经常出现在世界级的时装秀上。Nowadays, Qipao quite often appears on world-classfashionshows.

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这件旗袍很漂亮,但是颜色太鲜艳了。This cheongsam is beautiful but the color seems a bit too flashy.

很多中国新娘也会选择旗袍作为结婚礼服。Also, many Chinese brides will select qipao as their wedding dress.

就像在中国过大年,王女士一身红色的旗袍,十分喜气。Like in China, Guo Danian, Dr. Wong has a red cheongsam , very happy.