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藉此你灵浸透全人。Thy Spirit will me saturate.

他的衬衫浸透了汗水。His shirt was steeped with sweat.

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浸透头发,最后用凉水冲洗干净。Finish up with a cold-water rinse.

浸透雪耳及云耳,冲洗及修剪。Soak fungus until soft. Rinse and trim.

生命的酒浆滴滴地浸透不已。The Wine of Life keeps oozing drop by drop.

这真是一个浸透了血泪的悲剧。This is really a drenched in blood tragedy.

苦雨浸透着燃火的干柴堆。Bitter rain soaks the pile of kindling twigs.

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血和泪浸透了你清澈的双眸。Dyed all thy liquid light with blood and tears.

下雾时空气被湿气浸透。During a fog, the air is saturated with moisture.

埃及食物多辛辣,并要用酱汁浸透。Food in Egypt is hot and spicy, drenched in sauces.

海绵头具有高吸水性,易浸透,不掉屑等优点。The head with highly absorption, no losses particle, etc.

巴斯里斯克的毒液浸透她的身体真是很快啊?。How quickly the venom of the basilisk penetrates the body?

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搬运工把我们那些被翋雨水浸透的脏兮兮的行李放上了手推车。The porter put our scruffy rain-sodden luggage on a trolley.

与沥青和煤焦油磁漆浸透良好。It's compatible with impregnating bitumen and coal tar enamel.

我们需要停留在你面前,直到你浸透我们全人。We need to stay in Your presence until You saturates our being.

这张画的每一根线条都浸透着这种感情。Love for one's fellow creatures imbues every line of the drawing.

芋头去皮切粒,冬菇浸透切粒,虾米浸软。Soak Chinese dry mushroom and dice. Soak dry shrimp until tender.

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他的脚上缠着破布,布上浸透着长途跋涉留下的鲜血。His feet were coverd with rags, red with the blood of long marches.

使用时,摇动瓶子,让乳液浸透化妆棉。To use, shake the bottle and saturate a cotton pad with the lotion.

斑斓的色彩和光芒包围了他,沐浴着他,浸透了他。Colors and radiances surrounded him and bathed him and pervaded him.