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重庆火锅也是举世闻名的。Chongqing hot pot is famous.

法国美食举世闻名。French cuisine is famous around the world.

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西斯廷教堂的壁画举世闻名。The frescos in the Sistine Chapel are world-famous.

毕竟这是举世闻名的香榭丽舍大街啊。After all, this is a world famous Champs-Elysees ah.

西安是一座举世闻名的文化古城。Xi'an is a world-famous city for her ancient culture.

举世闻名的石林胜景位于路南县境内。The world-famous Stone Forest lies within Lunan County.

雅鲁藏布江断裂是举世闻名的缝合线。Yarlung Zangbo rift is a suture line between the colliding plates.

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“球王”贝利的“乌鸦嘴”可谓举世闻名。"the ball king" Belli "the crow mouth" it may be said world famous.

石岛红矿山更是举世闻名,被誉为“中国石材第一矿”。" Shidao red mine is world famous, known as "the first mine of stone.

这个举世闻名的旅游目的地是喜爱冲浪的人们的麦加。This world-famous destination is a Mecca for anyone who loves to surf.

其中两个已举世闻名,一个是“内观”,另一个是“冥想”。One is known as vipassana and the other is anapanasati, 'contemplation'.

正因这些扣人心弦的篇章才使得他的作品举世闻名。It's just these heart-thrilling chapters that brought his work world renown.

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举世闻名的京杭大运河,是世界上开凿最早、最长的一条人工河道。The famous Great Canal is the longest and earliest manual-canal in the world.

我们参观了举世闻名的兵马俑,它被称作世界第八大奇迹。We visited at world-famous terra-cotta, it called eighth wonder in the world.

这条两旁都是剧院的街道是戏剧和音乐剧成为举世闻名的地方。The theatre-lined street is where plays and musicals become international hits.

一当治愈疟疾成为举世闻名,对于奎宁的研究就开始了。Once the cure for malaria became world-known, the research on the quinine began.

澳大利亚不仅有举世闻名的袋鼠、考拉,还有着多如白云的羊群。Australia has not only famous kangaroo, Kola Bear, but cloud liked sheep as well.

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举世闻名的京杭大运河,是世界上开凿最早、最长的一条人工河道。The Great Canal is also called the Jinghang Canal, and the Yunhe River for short.

我和周小芳今天是我学习举世闻名的四川长嘴茶壶茶艺的第一天。Today was my first day of class learning the famous Sichuan "long-billed" teapot.

为一类产品做广告并将其出售而举世闻名办的大型展览和聚会。Lare exhibition and meeting for advertising and selling a certain type of product.