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这种喇叭的历史由来富有争议。The history of the horn is disputed.

你知道“给力”一词的由来吗?Do you know the origin of gelievable?

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你知道五四青年节的由来吗?Do you know the story of "Youth Day"?

请问它的名字由来是什么?Where does the name "Tuas" come from?

你知道立春的由来吗?Do you know the origin of Spring begins?

这就是“双重检查锁定”名称的由来。Thus, the name "double-checked locking."

这便是“寒食节”的由来。This , then, is the origin of Cold Food Day.

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这就是“男左女右”的由来。This is the "right" male left female origin.

腊八节的由来有两个传说。Laba Festival there are two legendary origin.

这是这个词的由来。So this is the source of the word, Pygmalion.

这就是雪顿节的由来。This is Sour Milk Drinking Festival's origin.

这就是中国情人节的由来。This the ancestors for China's Valentine's Day.

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克里斯蒂娜对于美国民众的热爱由来甚早。Christina's love of American civics began early.

您知道大奥普里名称的由来吗?Do you know how the Grand Ole Opry got its name?

有关中秋节的由来众说不一。About the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival is not a.

这便是戈尔博老屋这一名称的由来。Hence the edifice bore the name of the Gorbeau house.

介绍了我国m值的由来,对规范推荐的m法进行了详细的阐述。And m-method is stated in detail recommended by the Code.

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我想了解这种神秘饼干的由来。I wanted to understand the path of this mysterious cookie.

简介了三色雪糕名称的由来。The original name of the 3-color ice cream was introduced.

我们认为我们的代码就是手工艺品,这就是博客的名字由来。We think of our code as craft — hence the name of the blog.