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天女,是神的使者。Girl, is the messenger of god.

昆仑山的天女来到了人间。Kunlun Mountains angel came to earth.

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妳是我的真命天女,妳分享我的梦想。You are my destiny. You share my reverie.

真命天女会让青蛙变王子。The right woman can make a frog turn into a prince.

康炳华,上海天女至爱饰品有限公司总经理。Mr. Kang Binghua, General Manager of Shanghai HV Express.

我终将发现我的真命天女,所以我不会一直一个人。And eternally i would find the daughter of dragon of mine.

为了打破天女花种子休眠,对其种子催芽技术进行了研究。The pregermination technique of Magnolia sieboidli seeds was studied.

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另外,在找到真命天女之前你可能会有好几个女朋友。Besides, you're going to have several girlfriends before you find “the one.”

同时,上海天女至爱总经理康炳华还荣获“2008中国连锁榜样十大人物”奖。Kang Binghua was honored as one of "top 10 Figures of China Chain Industry 2008".

我的真命天女在哪,我要见到她,我游遍世界就是为了遇见她。Where is mrs. right I gotta see her, travel all across the world just to meet her.

亦或许是因为我注定的真命天女,怀着金子的心的她,还没有来到在这个世界上。Or it could be that the one, bringing a golden heart, has not come to this world yet.

释提桓因与诸天女。昼夜三时来下供养。Sakya King and all Heavenly girls come down to do offering three times day and night.

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你必须为你的“真名天子”或者“真名天女”而等待,否则将失去真爱和幸福。You have to hold out for Mr. or Ms. Right or you will never find true love or happiness.

此处节选的是壁画中的一部分,吉祥天女正在莲花池中与一童子嬉戏,轻松欢快的气氛中呈现出一派祥和的气象。The excerpted part here is about a story that the lucky lady is playing with a littly boy. The scene is full of a joyful and easy-going atmosphere.

2010年,阳光媒体集团旗下天女传媒与中国电影集团达成战略合作,阳光天女传媒独立编制女性主题新媒体剧,在天女网、门户网站及主流视频网站播出。In 2010, Sun Media Group entered into a strategic partnership with the China Film Group, with an aim to produce a variety of high quality content for women audiences.

同时通过对天女木兰的树干解析,找出了野生天女木兰树木的生长规律,从而为天女木兰的保育和开发利用提供了科学依据。The growth regularity of wild M. sieboldii was found out by trunk analysis, which will provide a scientific basis for the conservation and exploitation of M. sieboldii.

面向中国都市女性,天女一直致力于通过多媒体渠道,策划制作以及整合传播的能力提高中国女性的幸福度。Her Village is committed to providing a fully integrated, multimedia channel capable of curating and producing content, as well as providing branding and marketing services.

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我想可能也是因为我前面说到的,Emily要搬家了,而且自从Maya离她而去之后她需要时间来调整,但我感觉等Emily遇到她的真命天女后一定会长久下去的。I think it's also just because like I said Emily is moving and with Maya she got sent away so it's going to take some time but I feel like when Emily does meet that person it will be lasting.

目前天女网已拥有大批高端职场女性用户,主持人柯蓝、名模吕燕等杨澜好友已经加入。At present day female net already had users of large quantities of female of high- end duty field, the good friend has joined the Yang Lan such as swallow of Lv of compere Ke La, famous model.

本文采用色谱质谱法分析了天女木兰油的化学成份,共鉴定出二十个组份,并对所得结果进行了讨论。The chemical Constituents of the essential oil in magnolia parviflora were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. 20 Components were identified, and the results were also discussed.