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这只是一个非常粗糙的译稿。It's just a very rough translation.

所以我们也可甚至相信译稿。So we can trust even the translations.

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第十九篇译稿。2011天文第一弹,美丽的偏日食。Tuesday witnessed the first partial solar eclipse of 2011.

午夜十二点时,他收起了词典和译稿。At twelve midnight he put away his dictionary and translation draft.

免费市内取送、免费提供打印译稿及电子文档各一份。Free delivery for addresses in the city. Can be delivered through Internet.

但我想,这些译稿,也许去年已被兵火烧掉了。I fear, though, these manuscripts may have been lost last year in the fighting and fire.

本资料为中文翻译稿,请参考随后的英文稿。This is a Chinese translation and refer to the English that follows the Chinese translation.

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我想先以及你会商一下本文的英译稿,然后再把它寄给霍布斯师长教师。I'd like to talk over with you about the English translation of the essay before I send it to Mr. Hobbs.

我想先和你讨论一下这篇文章的英译稿,然后再把它寄给霍布斯先生。I'd like to talk over with you about the ENGlish translation of the article before sending it to Mr.Hobbes.

我公司对客户因使用译稿而产生的任何后果都不承担法律责任。For any consequence caused by your use of the translation document, we will not bear any legal responsibility.

本中文译稿仅供参考,请以英文原文为准,谨防有误!This Chinese version is for reference only. Please adhere to the original English instruction in case of any mistake!

与此同时我们也看到许多语法正确但却不适合外宣工作需要的英译稿件。At the same time, there exist some translated English articles grammatically correct but not suitable for external publicity.

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初次译稿很快就要完成了,不过我还得花费很多时间修改提炼,我会尽力让译稿和原文一样好。The first version will be finished soon, but I will have to spend much time to perfect it and I will try my best to keep it as good as it is.

如果您需要译稿测试或本地化项目规划,请提供详细信息或联系我们。If you want a trial translation or the blue print for localization project, please provide us with detailed information or contact us directly.

您可以通过各种方式验收译稿或项目,我们的客服系统支持各种接收和交付方式。You can check and accept the translation or project by various means. Our client service system supports various ways of acceptance and delivery.

鉴于目前基层企业这类送译稿数量巨大,其中不少在语言上有一定的缺陷,这种讨论具有较大的意义。The discussion is worthwhile as large numbers of originals are presented for translation by grassroots enterprises nowadays and not so few of them weak in language.

我还不知道做这项工作的报酬是多少,所以很抱歉我也无法告诉您,如果您的译稿被采用了您会得到多少报酬。I haven't known how much I would be paid for this job, so I am sorry that I can't tell you about how much you would be paid if your version is good enough to be used.

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交付译稿后,乙方有责任继续跟踪译文的质量,并向甲方免费提供有关咨询。After the delivery of the translation, Party B shall be responsible for the follow-up of the quality control thereof and the provision of free consultation to Party A.

两周内,由于译前信息不完整或沟通不畅导致译稿修改,我们免费修改,因内容变动后的修改外。Within two weeks, we will revise for free since the incomplete information or other reasons to cause the translation unadquate. If the contents changes, it will be recharged.

感谢会员利用业余时间来社区服务,特别要感谢专家帮助校编译稿使之更加合格。Thanks to the members who spend part of their spare time for the community and a special thanks to the experts of cucumis , who check and edit all translations to make them as good as possible.