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目的探讨内侧型蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤手术治疗。Objective To discuss the surgical treatment of medial sphenoid ridge meningioma.

蝶骨翼发育不良是NF-1诊断的六个临床规范之一。Sphenoid wing dysplasia is one of six clinical criteria for the diagnosis of NF-1.

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目的探讨利用显微手术治疗内侧型蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤的方法。Objective To explore the method of microsurgery for medial sphenoid ridge meningioma.

引起蝶骨发育不良最可能的原因是蝶骨骨化不全。The most likely cause of sphenoid dysplasia is defective ossification of the sphenoid bone.

目的探讨内侧型蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤显微手术技巧。Objective To explore the microsurgical technique in managing medial sphenoid ridge meningioma.

目的总结蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤手术治疗的经验与体会。Objective To summarize the experience of the surgical treatment of sphenoid ridge meningiomas.

方法回顾性总结分析18例蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤的临床资料。Methods The clinical data of 18 patients with SRMs were analyzed and summarized retrospectively.

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结果结节隐窝和蝶骨平台的骨质为一层薄的皮质骨。The bone of the tubercular recess and planum sphenoidale was frequently a thin layer of cortical bone.

在NF-1病人中,蝶骨翼发育不良最初被认为是先天性的和非进行性的。In patients with NF-1, sphenoid wing dysplasia was initially thought to be congenital and non-progressive.

目的探讨利用显微手术治疗内侧型蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤的方法及疗效。Objective To explore the method and therapeutic effectiveness of microsurgery for medial sphenoidal ridge meningioma.

目的寻找蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤手术并发症的原因及降低手术并发症的办法。Objective To find out the causes of severe surgical complications of sphenoidal ridge meningioma of and the methods to avoid them.

主要目的在观察眶外侧壁蝶骨大翼眶面上出现的沟和孔。该沟、孔在国内解剖学教科书及文献中未见有过记载和报道。Occasionally there is a groove or a foramen in the orbital surface of the greater wing of sphenoid in the lateral wall of the orbit.

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方法回顾性分析经显微神经外科手术治疗的31例蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤的临床资料。Method The clinical data of 31 patients with sphenoid ridge meningiomas, who underwent surgical treatment, were analyzed retrospectively.

目的探讨内侧型蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤分型及治疗方法,改善该类患者的治疗效果。Objective To explore the classification and treatment of medial sphenoid ridge meningiomas and improve curative effect of these patients.

去除颅骨显示脑膜中动脉,其从蝶骨棘孔穿出分布于硬脑膜表面。The top of the skull is removed to reveal the middle meningeal artery which has emerged from the foramen spinosum to branch over the surface of the dura.

中英文摘要摘要目的探讨伴有视力障碍的内侧型蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤的手术治疗及术后视力改善情况。Objective To discuss the surgical treatment and postoperative improvement in visual acuity of medial sphenoid ridge meningiomas associated with visual impairment.

在此系列,常见到肿瘤直接破坏颅骨底部的中脑窝、蝶骨及枕底骨等,成为一条鼻咽癌颅内侵犯主要的路钱。Sometimes, it may have not bone destruction, but the lesion can go through the foramina , fissures and jugular fossa etc. into the intracranial at the skull base.

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大鼠的大脑中动脉可分三段,中段较长,分支较少,表面为蝶骨大翼覆盖。The middle cerebral artery was divided into three section, the middle section was relatively longer with less branches, the surface was covered sphenoid bone greater wing.

结果颅骨纤维异常增生常侵犯额骨、蝶骨体、颧弓、蝶骨大翼和小翼及筛骨,并导致视神经管和眶上、下裂狭窄。Results Fibrous dysplasia of skull in children most often involved the frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones and resulted in stenosis of optic canal and superior optic fissure.

两者都常见于50岁左右的女性,累及部位也类似,包括大脑凸面、蝶骨脊、大脑镰和小脑幕。Both occur more commonly in women during the 5th decade of life with a predilection for similar sites of involvement including the cerebral convexities, sphenoid ridge, falx, and tentorium.