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孤零零的哀歌将不会唤醒水手。Monody shall not wake the mariner.

只有他一个人孤零零地站在广场上。Only he still stood in the square.

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周围全是海水,只有我孤零零的一个人。I was alone in the middle of the sea.

他孤零零一个人过活,带着一个老女仆。He lived alone with an old housekeeper.

我决不再让你独自一个人长期孤零零地生活了。I will not have you left alone so long.

她孤零零只身一人。She was really quite alone in the world.

它孤零零地躺在那里,没有一个同伴!It lying there alone, without a companion!

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山腰上孤零零地长着一棵树。One solitary tree grew on the mountainside.

一辆出租车孤零零的停在火车站前。A lone taxi sits in front of the train station.

从1992年以来它就孤零零的立在那,无人再过问。It's been standing there, abandoned, since 1992.

终于,他看到了夕阳斜晖里孤零零站着的棕榈树。Finally, he saw a lone sunset palm trees standing.

从远处看,这座农房看起来是孤零零的。Seen from a distance, the farmhouse looked deserted.

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她们看到﹐一个墓地中间孤零零地立着一个坟头。They saw a single grave in the middle of a cemetery.

现在上面却只剩四颗孤零零的铁钉。But now there were only four nails without the frame.

那口井孤零零地在院子中间。This well is isolated in the middle of the courtyard.

他们在山中一栋孤零零的屋子里过着寥寂的生存。They live a lonely life in a lonely house in the hills.

倾盆大雨时,我宁愿有个人陪我一起淋雨,也不想一个人孤零零的撑伞。When it rains and pours, I prefer to be wet with someone.

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于是他在一幢点着灯的孤零零的房子前停了下来。So he halted at a lonely house in which a light was burning.

我写的这些字,这一群,在这没有边际、孤零零的纸上,游荡。A herd of words roams on this forlorn paper without boundary.

它有些孤零零地立在平原中央。It is stranded somewhat forlornly in the middle of the plain.