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她们平白无故地争吵。They quarreled for nothing.

我平白无故挨了批评。I was criticized without any reason.

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如此年轻、美好的生命怎能这样平白无故地放弃呢?Who can give up such a beautiful and young life?

你倾向于平白无故地忙个团团转。You are apt to be all revved up with no place to go.

平白无故的我找到一个名为faithmate.com的网站。Out of nowhere, I found a website called

我搞不懂他为什么平白无故给我钱。I don't know why he gave me money without rhyme or reason.

看吧!不可能平白无故就有那么便宜的事情。See? Nothing can be so cheap without certian requirements.

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但他也不应该平白无故地向我发飙。But he should not be no reason to me Stories behind Olympic.

这棵树又为什么会平白无故的出现?Why will this tree without any reason and without cause appear again?

无论如何,我不能平白无故地去挖一个墓穴。After all, I can't dig a grave without reason. I'm no amateur gravedigger.

我会平白无故地抽搐,总是忘记自己想说什么。I get twitches and shakes out of nowhere, I always lose my line of thought.

阿烈克心里想,平白无故送点什么给柯拉一定很好玩。It would be fun, Alex thought, to give Cora something for no reason at all.

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人不会平白无故失踪,只是另一些人放弃寻找了而已。People don't just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them.

人则不同,当他们平白无故被告知是傻瓜时会很生气。Humans, on the other hand, get angry when they are flatly told they are stupid.

蛋糕制造者平白无故地用抖动的耙子摇一条赤裸的蛇。The cake maker all-overs a naked snake with the agitation rake without account.

他们总是为每一件事去责备你,我的孩子,他们总是平白无故的寻人错处。For every little trifle they blame you, my child. They are ready to find fault nothing.

上周,“胖墩”的主人平白无故和另一位遛狗人展开了激烈的口角。Last week, Chunky's human went into a violent tirade at another dog walker for no apparent reason.

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生活总是有起起伏伏,我也明白任何事情都不会平白无故地发生。Life takes lots of twists and turns, but today I have the absolute certainty that everything happens for a reason.

法官说,这是一起冷酷的谋杀,是无可辩解的平白无故的攻击行为。This said the judge was a cold-blooded murder an act of unprovoked aggression for which there was no justification.

我的一只眼睛瞎了,耳朵几乎聋了,我会平白无故地抽搐,并且总是忘记自己想说什么。I'm blind in the one eye, can't hardly hear, get twitches and shakes out of nowhere, always losing my line of thought.