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李逵把板斧一挥,冲了出来。Wielding a pair of hatchets, Li Kui rushed in.

李魁把板斧一挥,冲了过来。Wielding a pair of hatchets , Li Kui charged over.

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外语园地新斑竹板斧上任,全面改版推出!欢迎大家光临!Any foreign language you speak, please come to FOREIGN_LG board!

博尔顿在下半场严密防守,而切尔西亦无板斧破解。Bolton defend deep in the second-half and Chelsea run out of ideas.

劈板斧有垂直于斧柄的厚刃的劈东西的工具。A cleaving tool having a heavy blade set at right angles to the handle.

程咬金却是提着大板斧表示自己要护卫李世民到底。Cheng bite gold is carrying big head. it said he will guard the during.

继又转向那三个面罩,对拿板斧的人说Then turning to the three masked men, he said to the man with the meat-axe

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一个手握两把板斧的角色正在一个雾蒙蒙的教堂内虐怪。Character with 2 axes hacking at demons in what appears to be a foggy cathedral.

任何人都可以阅读文章,但只有斑竹和板斧才能发消息。Anyone can read the archives. Anyone can join, but only moderators and vice-moderators can post messages.

他是孤独的超人,能够生存在充满敌意的世界,是因为他善使利剑、拳头、长枪和板斧。He is thesuperman as loner, able to survive in a hostile world because he'shandy with sword, fist, rifle and ax.

本文论述了小说中“板斧”的象征意义及其在描述人物性格中所发挥的意象整合作用。This paper is intended to explore these in such aspects as symbols, "significant form", and its aesthetic effects.

戒指在台座上保持童贞,板斧的碎片在围绕着它,用可听见的黑暗语言小声交谈。The Ring remains intact on the pedestal with the shards of the axe around it , whispers in the Black tongue is heard.

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李逵率先挥动一双板斧打去,逢人便杀,勇猛无比,救下了宋江与戴宗,三人一起上了梁山。Li Kui one pair of tricks to play to the first wave were sleeping, killing, and very brave, Song Jiang and Dai Zong rescued, three together on the Liangshan.

用讥讽的玫瑰镇服你的对手,较之用嘲弄的板斧将他剁砍或用谩骂的大头棒将他捶打,更为温文尔雅。How much more elegant is it to slay your foe with the roses of irony than to massacre him with the axes of sarcasm or to belabour him with the bludgeon of invective.