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也就不需要更多爱的告白了!!And no more confessions.

最终她鼓起勇气告白了。And she finally worked up the nerve to tell her.

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希平终于鼓起勇气向舒雅告白。Xi Ping finally confesses his feelings for Shu Ya.

那寡妇登了告白注明“无儿女牵累”。The widow advertised herself as "without encumbrance".

在千万语言之下,縂埋藏著一句忏悔似的告白。There is always a confession buried beneath thousands of words.

无法诉说的爱情,却比能告白的爱情,来得更殷切。Can not tell of love, than to love confession to be more earnest.

这样毫不遮掩的告白,比被她当场捉奸在床还令她难堪。So none cloak 's confession, than she was in bed ' also made her sad.

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在贤宇害羞的告白下敏珠感到无比的幸福。A confession of Mr. Shy in Westminster bead feel under in the happiness.

一旦有了第一次的告白,“我爱你”就再没有任何意义。Once the first avowal has been made, “I love you” has no meaning whatever.

晴美也对拓海说出深藏心底最坦白的告白。Fine beauty also say to the extension sea bottom confession of hidden frankly.

一度春花秋实的真情告白----何等豪迈。Once the spring spend an autumn solid genuine feeling to tell white----How heroic.

那经典三段式、意想不到的告白、相信自己是那个例外。The third act twist. The unexpected declaration of love. The exception to the rule.

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现在的孩子,分手专挑情人节,告白专挑愚人节。Now children, picking the valentine's day break up, and expert pick on April fool's day.

缺乏举报者、告白以及约会的匿名是什么样?What about the anonymity wanted for whistleblowers, confessionals, and dating personals ?

我认为,起首,优异的告白需要以及生理学联合。I thellonk, first of all, an excellent combination of advertising and psychological needs.

晋龙无意看到晶晶的告白,知道晶晶喜欢他。Johnlung unwittingly sees Jing Jing's love confession and realises she is in love with him.

面对大家的责问,秀玉当着众人的面向长文大胆告白,长文惊讶不已。In the face of you asked, xiu jade face long bold confession, in front of the long by surprise.

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忏悔是心灵的告白,也可以说是精神污染的大扫除。Repentance is a confession of the mind and spirit and also a major clean up of inner pollution.

然而屋漏偏逢连夜雨,他准备的告白卡片却又在无意之间被顾意看了去。However if the rain roof leak, he is going to confession CARDS but in inadvertently be looked to.

这则告白之以是对于我印象深刻,就是由于它看起来像个故事同样,诙谐以及滑稽。The reason why thellos ad I was very impressed, because it looks like the same story, humor and wit.