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我盼望着你早来。I expected you sooner.

这是我们唯一的盼望!That is our only hope!

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他盼望着额外的奖励。He was expecting a bonus.

我正盼望去访阗欧洲。I'mhoping to visit Europe.

我盼望不久能跟你在一讫。I look to be with you soon.

这本书满足了盼望以久的需要。The book meets a long-felt want.

我正盼望着第一节体育课呢。I am longing for first-period PE.

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盼望有一天您能对我刮目相看。I hope to earn your respect someday.

程先生盼望当一位好教师。Mr. Cheng hopes to be a good teacher.

这有福的盼望,我灵得享安息。Blessèd hope, blessèd rest of my soul!

有喜乐才会产生盼望和力量。Having joy produces hope and strength.

我希望着并盼望着能有新的出路。I hope for—and expect—a new direction.

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我盼望他们下礼拜玩得高兴。I hope they have anice time next week.

我诚恳地盼望你早日康复。I sincerely hope you will soon recover.

盼望一觉醒来便会消失。Hope wake up one morning will disappear.

我盼望一早就登程来到。I hope to get away early in the morning.

而盼望正是大屠杀纪念馆的主旨。And hope is what Yad Vashem is all about!

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作为一个牧师,我盼望你有一个丰盛的生命。As a pastor, I want you to succeed in life.

我盼望着能自己一人待在这所房子里。I look forward to being alone in the house.

我度日如年地盼望着周末的到来。I'm counting the seconds until the weekend.