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所谓新鲜乳酪,就是在食用前有别于陈年品种的乳酪。Fresh cheese is not aged before eating.

红宝石颜色,陈年后变成石榴红。Ruby red tending to garnet with ageing.

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红宝石色泽带有陈年的深色边晕。Ruby-red color with pale garnet tinges.

我们依然独守那段陈年忧伤!We still keep those old alone too late.

陈年抽屉放出樟脑气味。The old chest exuded a smell of camphor.

具备至少25年的陈年能力。Cellaring potential of at least 25 years.

这种现象深深地刺激了陈年。This phenomenon deeply stimulated the aged.

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本文将告诉你陈年葡萄酒如何醒酒。This article will tell you how to decant aged wine.

此酒随着陈年,颜色由淡淡的黄绿转为雅致的金黄色。Light green-yellow when young, aging to a pale gold.

由卓越网的创始人陈年于2007年成立。VANCL, founder of the aged by the Joyo founded in 2007.

她把他收藏的陈年佳酿装进板条箱里。She loaded up his collection of vintage wines into crates.

夕阳是晚开的花,夕阳是陈年的酒。Sunset is a late-blooming flower. Sunset is a well-aged wine.

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二等车厢非常闷热,满鼻子旧红绒椅垫的陈年味道。The daycoach was hot, full of the weary smell of old red plush.

酒是窖藏多年的女儿红,像极了陈年的情意。Wine cellar for many years daughter red, like the old friendship.

从任何角度欣赏都是一款很有陈年潜力的梅多克好酒。Grand wine for long ageing from a great Médoc vintage in all aspects.

在气质上他像霍桑,喜欢陈年往事。Temperamentally, like Hawthorne, he preferred a plot out of the past.

而相思的浓度,却如陈年的老酒,时间愈久,愈显不羁的烈性。And Acacia concentration, like old wine, the longer, more unruly spirits.

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象往常一样,联邦调查局没有提供侦破那些陈年旧案的细节。Generally, the FBI does not provide details about on-going investigations.

目前已非常适合饮用了,但也可以再避光陈年2至3年。Pleasent to drink right now or have light shielded ageing in 2 or 3 years.

帝霖与宁夏迦南美地酒庄合作,将爱尔兰单一麦芽威士忌放入红酒桶中陈年。Teeling teams with Kanaan to age Irish single malt in its red wine barrels.