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男女生分角色问答唱。Identify roles boys and girls sing.

在付款前我们要先确认你的生分。In order to receive payout we need to verify your Identify.

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所以老师必定会把好生、差生、中等生分开对待。So the teacher will treat it would produce or bottom, moderate separate.

在这个夏天从德国凯旋而归之后,尤文队长站到了人生分岔口上。Following this summer's triumph in Germany, the captain had some big choices to make.

再生分频器以其优越的相位噪声性能,在频率合成中有着重要作用。Regenerative dividers play an important role in frequency synthesizer with its low phase noise.

根尖的初生分生组织可扩大到伸长区下方一段距离。The primary meristem of the root tip may be extended a section of distance below the elongation region.

东义东义大学每年三月、九月新学期开学,招生分前、后两期。请参考表上的日程安排。DEU's academic year begins on the first day of March every years, admissions offered for the spring and the fall semester.

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她认为在男女同校的学校里,歧视女生的现象太典型了,唯一的解决办法是实行男女生分班上课。She argues that discrimination against girls is so typical of co-educational schools that single-sex classes are the only answer.

脱分化后的细胞可以重新再分化。它在次生分生组织产生之前发生或对生长因子的刺激或损伤做出反应时。It occurs naturally just before the production of secondary meristems or in response to wounding or stimulation by growth factors.

基础体育课教学按男女生分开的自然班,选项体育课教学按兴趣分班的教学组织形式。Fundamental physical education classes is parted from male and female, and education contents are selected by interests of students.

他将这种显现视为量子球模糊性或不确定性的信号,并认为这是在小尺度下发生分形行为的结果。He describes this phenomenon as a signature of the fuzziness, or uncertainty, of the quantum sphere, and also as resulting from fractal behavior at small scales.

锁阳茎的初生分生组织由原表皮、基本分生组织以及在基本分生组织中呈波浪式环状排列的原形成层束组成。Primary meristem of Cynomorium songaricum Rupr. is composed of protoderm, ground meristem and procambium strands that line a wavelike ring in the ground meristem.

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堪萨斯州的维奇托中学里都是11到14岁的学生,通过男女生分开午餐,他们减少了学生间的互相取笑、打闹以及调情。The Wichita, Kansas middle schools, for students aged 11 to 14 years old, started the separate lunches for boys and girls to reduce teasing, rough-housing and flirting.

维管形成层属于侧生分生组织,包括能够产生次生木质部与次生韧皮部的纺锤状形成层原始细胞和产生髓射线的射线原始细胞。It is a lateral meristem and contains fusiform initials giving rise to secondary xylem and phloem and ray initials giving rise to medullary rays. See also secondary growth.

原生分生组织是甘蔗地上部分一切组织形态发生中心,因此,研究原生分生组织的结构和生长分化对于阐明甘蔗的增粗机理具有重要意义。It is very meaningful to study the thickening mechanism by studying on the structure of protomerism, growth and differentiation, which formed at the time histomorpho I ogy.

提倡单一性别教育的萨克斯博士就指出,让男生与女生分班上课,在教育、社会及人际关系方面,都有相当好的成效。Dr. Sax , a proponent of single-sex education, points out that keeping boys and girls separate in the classroom has yielded striking educational, social, and interpersonal benefits.