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只是这一次拿着一把剃刀。This time with a razor.

用剃刀剃光头发。They shaved their heads.

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刚看到时那造型真像剃刀!It likes a razor at sight!

用剃刀割刀,易如反掌。Cut with razor knife and snap.

剃刀一滑把我脸给割破了。The razor slipped and cut my cheek.

铜刃里面嵌钢的,嘿嘿!剃刀。Copper blade has steel inlaid. Razor.

剃刀博物馆瓦德在开幕关厂。Razor museum wad opened within the Seki Plant.

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送他一把安全剃刀作为生日礼物。We bought him a safety razor for his birthday.

你必须用剃刀剃着这一地区。You must use a sharp razor to shave this area.

要是剃近身处,就用干净锋利的剃刀。For the closest shave, use a clean, sharp razor.

他每天用剃刀把脸上的胡子刮干净。He razor-cuts his face clean of beard every day.

尽管他的剃刀十分锋利了,可他还是不停地磨它。He was honing his razor although it's very sharp.

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剃刀蛤蚌给我们展示了这样一种理想生物模型。Razor clams presented the ideal biological model.

他买了一个磨旧剃刀片的器具。He bought a device for sharpening old razor blades.

他唯一需要卫护的是他的剃刀。The only thing he necessarily stands by is the razor.

手术器械常常是未经消毒的刀子或剃刀。The instruments are often unsterilized knives or razor blades.

疯了的爵士music演奏者惊愕地盯着剃刀上的白斑。The crazy jazzman gazed at the blaze on the razor dawn amazement.

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疯狂爵士音乐演奏者惊愕地盯着剃刀上白斑。The crazy jazzman gazed at the blaze on the razor with amazement.

厉害的爵士音乐演奏者惊愕地盯着剃刀上的白斑。The crazy jazzman gazed at the blaze on the razor with amazement.

疯狂的爵士音乐演奏者惊愕地盯着剃刀上的白斑。The crazy jazzman gazed at the blaze on the razor with amazement.