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把它消灭在萌芽状态。Nip it in the bud.

培育变革的萌芽。Plant the seeds of change.

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涤尽渣滓罪﹐斩绝恶萌芽。Wash off the dregs of crime.

它还处于萌芽阶段。It is still in an embryonic stage.

朋友是友谊的萌芽。Friends are the buds of friendship.

树上的萌芽是春天来临的征兆。Buds on the trees are a sign of spring.

它们将萌芽,开花和结果。They will bud and blossom and bear fruit.

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土豆萌芽于种子片。Potatoes are started from " seed pieces ."

蹄都再次萌芽。Water Chestnut germinates and grows again.

必须把一切恶感消灭于萌芽状态之中。Any ill-feeling has to be nipped in the bud.

或者,如果我们看不到这潜能,它就会像刚萌芽的幼苗一样被扼杀,it,will,depreciate—Or if we don't appreciate it, wither and die.

它有一个正在成长的萌芽社区。It has a budding community growing in activity.

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萌芽、开花和结果变得很不正常。Foliation, bloom, and production became erratic.

萌芽力强,萌蘖性强。Budding force is powerful, bud Nie sex is strong.

我深信我女儿还太稚嫩,所谓的保皇意识在她的思想里还没有萌芽。My daughter, I'm confident, is no budding royalist.

这个问题的解决方案存在于萌芽阶段。The solutions to this problem are in their infancy.

以及一家模仿Yelp的基于地点服务的萌芽企业。and a location-based service Buding modeled on Yelp.

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于是,老杜对中国长达一生的关心和热爱开始萌芽。And so began his lifelong interest and love of China.

他发现了“颖”这个字,意思是树的萌芽。He found a word, ying, which means the bud of a tree.

各种微小的变化不仅可能导致季风规模扩大,也可能把把季风扼杀在萌芽之中。Small changes can swell monsoons, or nip them in the bud.