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打浆浓度是影响纸张性能的一个重要因素。Beating consistency is a important factor of influencing the function of paper.

本文就比能量控制打浆度的数字模型进行了分析研究。This paper analyses the digital model for power-controlled pulp-beating degree.

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将树皮原料等碾碎,浸泡,发酵,打浆,加入树糊调成浆。Squash, dunk, ferment and beat the white materials. Mix them with the wood mash.

本文研究了短周期桦木漂白硫酸盐浆的打浆造纸特性。The beating and papermaking characteristics of short rotating birch pulp were studied.

讨论了打浆度对新闻纸物理性能的影响。The effect of beating degrees on physical properties of newsprint is deeply discussed.

本文主要对双圆盘磨浆机的打浆特性、典型打浆工艺流程作了阐述。Beating Feature and typical technological process of double disc refiner were analysed.

本文着重就打浆过程中成浆湿重的软测量问题进行探讨。This paper researches on refined pulp wet weight soft-sensing technology in the process.

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并装有时间定时自动控制系统,★打浆时间可任意选择。And equipped with automatic control system, the time timing painted beating time optional.

碟型磨浆机由两片垂直旋转的碟构成的打浆机器。它把纤维作精细的研磨。Disc refiner Machine which refines pulp by rubbing fibres between vertical rotating discs.

为了得到满足生产要求的成浆质量,有必要对打浆过程实现自动控制。Automatic control for the process is necessary to get refined-pulp with consistent quality.

通过此技术的使用,最终可有效地提高磨片的使用寿命及打浆效果。The technology can effectively improve the service life of the disc and the beating effect.

双盘磨浆机是目前造纸工厂广泛应用的一种连续打浆设备。At present , This machine is widely used for a continuously striking pulp in the paper mill.

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以酶处理与打浆组合的方式对改善混合废纸浆性能进行了研究。The properties of mixed waste pulp were improved by enzyme treatment combining with beating.

特制适应于长纤维木浆、棉浆的切断和粗打浆。Specially It suits the long fiber wood pulp , cotton pulp cutting and the rough striking pulp.

其采用轴向进浆,径向上方出浆的形式,使用于长纤维木浆、高粘壮浆的打浆。Acepting axial inletpulp, the device is suitable for long fiber wood pulp, high consistency pulp.

详细介绍了中浓打浆工艺流程、数据采集方案及数据预处理方法。Mid-consistency refining process flow, methods of data acquisition and processing are introduced.

首先采用PFI磨进行商品棉浆的打浆,研究浆料的性能。The properties of the pulp refined in the Velley refiner and PFI mill respectively were studied first.

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比较了圆柱磨与盘磨对长纤维和短纤维打浆性能的影响。The impact of cylindrical refiner and disc refiner on long fiber and short fiber properties were compared.

本机为造纸行业制浆系统的粗、精磨连续打浆设备。This machine is a pulping machine of coarse and correct grinding in papermaking trade thick liquid system.

春卷由优质面粉打浆制皮,薄如蝉翼、形如圆镜、透明柔软。Yixin spring roll is made up of high quality wheat flour. The peel is so thin that it looks like Cicadas wing.