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清凉的黄瓜皮肤滋补剂Refresh with a Cucumber Skin Tonic

他年老的父亲需要进些滋补的东西。His old father requires nine mile nuts.

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一杯可解渴,二杯能滋补,三杯乐融融,四杯耍酒疯。As she spoke she poured him a cup of wine.

对滋补身体是有很大的好处的哈。For nourishing the there are a lot of benefits.

这个滋补剂可以在冰箱中保持24小时。The tonic will keep for 24 hours in the fridge.

生活是一杯最具滋补作用的药酒。Life is the best medicinal liquor with great tonic effect.

这是为什么酱汤对提升形体有良好滋补的原因。This is why miso soup is a good tonic for an ascending form.

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乌骨鸡有独特的药用功能和滋补食疗作用。Silkies have unique medicinal tonic function and the role of diet.

海参是一种珍贵的滋补佳品。The trepang is one kind of precious nutritious high quality goods.

鹌鹑蛋的滋补作用要强于鸡蛋,但也可以使用鸡蛋。Quail eggs nourishing than the role of eggs, but can also use the eggs.

这种食疗食品有滋补营养的效用。This sort of dietetic food has the effect of nourishing the human Body.

蝎子富含蛋白质,是一种营养价值颇高的滋补食品。Scorpion rich in protein, is a high nutritional value of nourishing food.

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她把他们吵醒然后做了一顿热和滋补早餐为大家。She woke them up and then made a hot and nutritious breakfast for everyone.

冬虫夏草为名贵滋补药。Cordyceps sinensis is a famous and nourishing herb in traditional Chinese medicine.

蝎子还可制成具有强身健体、延年益寿的滋补保健食品。Scorpion has also made physical health, longevity of nourishing health food products.

这种食疗食品有滋补营养的效用。The labels on food products give a lot of information about their nutritional content.

松筠堂药酒是清朝末年由翁朝言先生在厦门研创的百年老字号的滋补药酒。Songyuntang herbal wine was invented by Weng Chaoyan over a hundred years ago in Xiamen.

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这包黄精能滋补脾肾,让您延年益寿!This bag of herbs can nourish your spleen and kidney, and it would make you live longer.

平和南水北调与冷却,灼热感新鲜水果和滋补成分。Calm and sooth that burning sensation with cooling and nourishing fresh fruit ingredients.

它可以使食用者得到美食享受,又使其身体得到滋补,疾病得到治疗。It enables the consumer to enjoy the delicious with body nourishing and disease treatment.