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那里可以买花朵儿。You can buy flowers over there.

你总是那么说。算了,雨朵儿。拿去吧。You always say that. Well, here you are.

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随之色彩斑斓花朵儿争奇斗艳。And flowers of colours bloom brightly soon.

你们这些花朵儿啊,是什么使你们垂下露珠?You flowers, what makes you so heavy with dew?

朵儿一共有三种型号——城市版、运动版和公路版。The duo comes in three models — city, sport and road.

芬朵儿问修兵的阶级,修兵说自己是副队长。Findol asks Hisagi what is his rank and he replies of a Vice Captain.

镜头转向修兵,面对长发骨瘦的芬朵儿。Cuts to Hisagi, he's facing a long hair and lean body fraccion named Findol.

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花朵儿绽开了笑脸,为小草编了个花环,天空微笑了。Flower bud bursting the smiling face, for small straw a wreath, the sky smile.

她用彩色棉线把衣服上那个小破洞缝缀得像个花朵儿一样。She stitched on the patch and made it look like a flower by using colorful thread.

胡畔赶来相救,二人协力将朵儿送至登云桥秦坤手中。Hu pictureque came less, two people together will be sent to the heavy cloud bridge QinKun AD hands.

朱利安说贾斯格当时是受“蓝书模特经纪公司”所雇,给这位默默无名的诺尔玛·简妮·朵儿蒂拍照。Julien said Jasgur was hired by the Blue Book modeling agency to shoot the then-unknown Norma Jeane.

“准备好了,我要把发夹拿下来了,你马上就要有云朵儿一样的卷发了”,乔一边喜滋滋儿地说,一边将凉掉的铁夹取下来。There, now I'll take off the papers and you'll see a cloud of little ringlets, said Jo, putting down the tongs.

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刀锋决议单独扮演西施,深化虎穴以弩换出朵儿,以圆大哥心愿。Blade play xi shi, deepen the resolution alone with goodness, with heavy crossbow surrendered round eldest brother wish.

鸟儿们也快乐的四处飞舞欢唱,花朵儿纷纷从草丛中探出头来,仰脸微笑。The birds were flying about and twittering with delight, and the flowers were looking up through the green grass and laughing.

金朵儿冒险刺杀乾隆,却因和珅和小刘墉的突然出现只得落荒而逃。Qianlong of assassinate of golden flower adventure, because mix, appear suddenly of and small Liu Yong however be obliged be defeated and flee.

朱沅芷和朵儿于1925年就读加州艺术学院时曾为同窗,作品可算是朱沅芷年青求学生活的一个侧写和记录。In 1925 Yun Gee and Bothwell were classmates at the California Institute of the Arts, and this portrait is both a memento and a partial record of their student days.

当郭涛正与女儿视频通话时,却目睹朵儿被绑架的一幕,歹徒更狮子大张口开价两千万赎金。When communicating with daughter video when Guo Tao, witness the one act that flower is kidnapped however, gangster more make a price of lion big dehisce 20 million ransom.

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早晨,云洁白无瑕,如牛乳中洗过一般,云零零散散,如梦幻般,又像一朵朵摘下的棉花朵儿,它是那么的虚幻,在天空中慢慢地飘动。Morning, cloud white washed in milk, such as general, cloud Zero Zero spread, such as fantastic, like a blossoming picked cotton bud, it's so unreal, drifting slowly in the sky.

警方表示,这只三岁大的母拉拉名叫「朵儿」,上个月某天傍晚,朵儿和饲主和田浩一到日本西部的岩出市散步时突然开始狂吠。The three-year-old black Lab, named ' Dor , suddenly started barking when she was taking a walk with her owner, Koichi Wada, in the western city of Iwade one evening last month, a police officer said.