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这就是螯合剂的作用原理。That's how a chelating agent works.

参芪复方合剂能有效改善大鼠IR。Shenqi Compound can improve IR in rats.

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我们把这两种成分结合成一种合剂。We unite these two ingredients into a mixture.

我们提供胶合剂定子铁芯或TIG焊接的钉子铁芯。We offer glue bonding or TIG welded stator cores.

要不要用一下中国产的驱风合剂。What about using carminative mixture made in China.

所用的胶合剂必须对两种材料都适用。The cement used must be suitable for both materials.

目的研究牡芍合剂的镇痛效果。Objective To study the analgesic effect of Mushao mixture.

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将丰富的肥皂溶液涂到饰条胶合剂背面。Apply soap solution liberally to adhesive backing of stripe.

所使用的缩合剂为无水醋酸钠,环化剂为氯化物。Cyclizing agents used are benzene chloride, oleum and so on.

乙二胺四乙酸二钠是一种优秀的络合剂。Disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate is a good sequesterant.

是一个被古柯碱和呱替啶混合剂控制的毒瘾患者。He is a drug addict, hooked on a mix of cocaine and meperidine.

目的建立补阳还五合剂各药味定性方法。It can be used in the quality control of Buyang Huanwu Mixture.

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然后愈合剂通过毛细作用而充填裂纹。The healing agent, then, fills the crack through capillary action.

沙塔斯的合剂现在也能在太阳井高地里使用。Shattrath Flasks now work inside the Sunwell Plateau raid instance.

结论射干合剂治疗小儿咳嗽优于小儿止咳化痰糖浆。Conclusion "Shegan Mixture" is effective in treating childhood cough.

毒杀芬合剂剂量被认为是广泛代谢。The dosing toxaphene mixture was found to be extensively metabolized.

目的优选宣肺止咳合剂的提取工艺。Objective To optimize the extraction process of Xuanfei Zhike Mixture.

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目的建立复聪合剂的质量控制方法。Objective Establish a method for the quality control of Fucong mixture.

文章报告了一种新的三中心络合剂的合成方法。This paper reports a synthesis method of a new tricentre complex agent.

结合剂,添加剂,保湿剂,表面活性剂,成份评估。Binding agents, extenders, humectants and surfactants, ingredient review.