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一个小头往外窥视。A tiny head peeked out.

芬趴在房门口往里窥视。Fern peered through the door.

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当你在我的窗口窥视。While you thro' my window peep.

他眯起眼睛靠近窥视孔看了看。He squinted through the peephole.

所以我认为那里有一个窥视孔。So I figured there was a peephole.

从一杆虚竹窥视天堂。And a heaven through a hollow bamboo.

那个小偷从钥匙孔中窥视。The thief is peeping through a keyhole.

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他蹲下来向篮子里窥视了一下。He squatted down to peep into the basket.

纯净喜悦与俏皮窥视!Pure peephole delight with saucy cut-outs!

她不时地从旁边的幕帐向外窥视。She kept peering through the side curtain.

那个三只手从钥匙孔中窥视。The thelloef is peeping through a keyhole.

她从窗帘后面窥视她的邻居。She peeks at her neighbor from the curtain.

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长筒靴悄悄窥视那鞋子是否还好。The boot peeked in to see if the shoe was okay.

一只德肯狐猴从一处锯齿状的石头无底洞窥视。Decken's sifaka peers out from a jagged stone maw.

从一处锯齿状的石头缺口处向外窥视。A Decken's sifaka peers out from a jagged stone maw.

一个可疑的家伙正在透过栅栏窥视我们。A suspicions fellow is peeping through the fence at us.

在开门之前,在门口的窥视孔看下。Look through the door's peephole before opening your door.

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在开门之前,在门口的窥视孔看下。Look through the door’s peephole before opening your door.

今天,所有新世界的圣灵们将无法窥视我们的举动。Today, all the God in the New world can not keek our action.

在那里他们提心吊胆地窥视着窗外的常青藤。In there they peered out the window fearfully at the ivy vine.