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这真是世界上最堂皇的欺诈。It was really the grandest deception in the world.

增加了很难得到的堂皇的钢铁盾牌。Added Lordly status very rare chance for Steel Shield.

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它们在平静的阳光照耀的海水中显得优雅堂皇,令人浮想联翩。They are graceful, stately, inspiring ----- in calm, sunlight seas.

这番答复却让东株感到堂皇不已。The remark reply but let the east strains feel magnificence unceasingly.

如果说我到锡耶纳有几个堂皇的理由,那么我离开芝加哥就更加振振有辞了。I went to Siena for a few good reasons. I left Chicago for a million more.

指责和训诫听来堂皇,但对改变孩子的习惯和好恶效果甚微。Reprimands give at best but little help in the matter of habits and inclinations.

分开郊区往彼得城方向旅游,一尝陈腐皇宫丽都堂皇的风韵。Travel outside the city to Petrodvorets Palace for a taste of old imperial grandeur.

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摆脱市区往彼得城方向瞻仰,一尝古老皇宫斑斓堂皇的风味。Travel outside the city to Petrodvorets Palexpert for a taste of old imperial grandeur.

主人的真理论述随后出现,只是作为工具,作为历史的光冕堂皇的遮羞者。And the master subsequently appears only aas the instrument, the magnificent Cuckold of history.

当天下午两点钟,詹妮弗已经站在威廉·卡里斯尔堂皇壮观的庄园门外了。At two o"clock that afternoon, Jennifer was standing outside the imposing estate of William Carlisle."

做弥补很重要,如果你跳过它,哪怕再堂皇的道歉词令听起来都会很空洞甚至有压迫感。Making amends is a big step, andskipping it will make even the most profound apology seem empty and forced.

从奥瑟罗第一次堂皇地叙述他的爱情故事开始,魔鬼、天使在他心中交替出现。Since the first time he grandly narrates his love story, the devil and angel alternately occur ia his heart.

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钟楼也非常美丽,而在马路那一边的大教堂更是庄严堂皇。The campanile is also an item of considerable beauty. Across the way, the cathedral is more magnificent still.

又小又软的大楼雄伟堂皇,不过20层上有个傲慢的女银。On the 20th floor of the tiny soft's splendid building, there's a woman who are extremely critical about others.

“我们都属于一个家庭,”俱乐部的主席弗阿德卡农堂皇地说道,“我们从来没考虑过你是属于逊尼还是什叶这种问题。”"We are one family, " Fuad Kanoo, its chairman, grandly says. "We never thought about whether you are Sunni or Shia.

他是个二十五岁的青年,高高的个儿,望上去很肥胖,他的气派端庄而堂皇,又很拘泥礼节。He was a tall, heavy looking young man of five and twenty. His air was grave and stately, and his manners were very formal.

作为一般建设,它曾经是学校,堂皇居住,当戴安娜将之开发为温泉时引起社会轰动。Built for a general, it has been a school, a stately residence and caused a social stir when Princess Diana opened it as a spa.

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小布什上台后,为了弥补其父亲的缺乏远见以及克林顿的毫无纪律性,在追求宏伟堂皇以及精确准时上面走得过了头。Bush compensated for his father's lack of vision and Clinton's indiscipline with his own excesses of grandiosity and punctuality.

在这诗里,有对普遍之爱的巨大炫耀,它是萌芽诗人所钟情的主题,因为它十分堂皇叙述也容易。In it was a great parade of universal love, that pet subject of the budding poet, which sounds as big as it is easy to talk about.

彼得也很懂礼貌,因为他在仙子的盛会上学会了一些堂皇的礼节。他站起来,姿态优美地向温迪鞠了一躬。Peter could be exceeding polite also, having learned the grand manner at fairy ceremonies, and he rose and bowed to her beautifully.