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丝兰香味和均匀。Yucca flavor and uniform.

保持燃油流动量均匀。Keep the fuel flow constant.

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生铁可均匀地传热。Cast iron conducts heat evenly.

这钢丝弹簧绕得很均匀。The wire spring is evenly coiled.

空间分布也不均匀。It could be non-spacially constant.

加入250毫升热水,搅拌均匀之溶解。Add 250cc 90℃ hot water . Stir well.

检查冷却中的非均匀性。Check for non-uniformity in cooling.

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睡着之后,他的呼吸变得均匀平缓了。His breath was steadied in his sleep.

在蛋糕顶上均匀地铺一层糖霜。I need a top to go with these slacks.

均匀撒盐在每一层芥菜上。Spread the salt evenly on each layer.

种群密度亦趋于均匀化。The population density is evened out.

果实梨形,坐瓜均匀集中。Fruits and melons uniform pear-shaped.

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加入牛肉馅,并混合均匀。Crumble beef over mixture and mix well.

全部混合均匀后,充分揉好面团。Mix everything and knead well and truly.

把适量的牛至叶均匀撒在牛肉上。Sprinkle some oregano all over the beef.

他均匀每日抽一包烟卷儿。He averages one pack of cigarettes a day.

一团一团均匀地挤在上面。I just sorta dollop it evenly on the top.

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这就是所谓的均匀极化的分子。These are so-called homo-polar molecules.

加入椰丝和榛子粉,用橡胶刮刀捞拌均匀。Add in coconut shreds and hazelnut powder.

将漆均匀地剧在墙上。Distribute the paint evenly over the wall.