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起初我对这个重要的短评保持沉默。Initially I kept silent to the essential essay.

他为这些月刊写短评。He writes short reviews for the monthly magazines.

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这位作者让他所有的朋友给他的新书写了广告式的短评。The author got all his friends to write blurbs for his book.

此后,他为这个节目撰写、制作了更多的短评,并且也出镜亮相。He wrote and produced more essays for the program, appearing in those as well.

每次我重读这些短评或者书箱,我总会有新的见解。Every time I pick up pages from either the article or the book, I come away with new insights.

对此,新华财经资信评级部门发表短评提出不同意见。In this regard, Xinhua Finance Department issued a short commentary credit rating a dissenting opinion.

能够写信件,写短评,写总结,包括个人总结、工作总结、教学感想,等等。They write simple letters, short synopses , and summaries of biographical, work, and school experiences.

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这期特刊也包含对数本关于未来某个方面预测的书籍的短评。This special issue also contains capsule reviews of books about one aspect or another of the world ahead.

利用你的专业技能对新闻事件发表短评,例如指出错误的概念,这是很好的。Short observations on news events that use your expertise, for example to point out misconceptions, are great.

简单生活哲学是一个关于怎样让生活最富意义的每周系列短评栏目,请在留言里告诉我你们的想法!Simple Philosophies is a new series of short weekly posts about how to make the most out of life. Please let me know what you think in the comments!

毫不意外,本书的腰封上一条热情洋溢的短评就来自于内奥姆·伍尔夫,此人也大力赞扬“茶党”提出的反潜在法西斯主义的论断。Unsurprisingly, one of the glowing blurbs on the book jacket is from Naomi Wolf, who has also touted the Tea Party’s alleged fascism-fighting potential.

鲁尼也常常被误认为与种族主义有关,这是由于2003年的时候,有人以他的风格撰写了一篇对少数民族群体极为麻木不仁的、极富政治意味的短评,并且冒充是他的文章发表在网络上。Rooney was also mistakenly connected to racism when a politically charged essay highly insensitive to minorities was written in his style and passed off as his on the internet in 2003.

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大体上来看,他的短评都是通过指出生活中潜在的事实,或者更多地抱怨生活中微妙的谎言,从而精确无误地激起观众的共鸣,加上他身上穿的类似制服一般,这一切使得他获得一种“乖戾妄为”的形象。Mainly, his essays struck a cord in viewers by pointing out life's unspoken truths or more often complaining about its subtle lies, earning him the "curmudgeon" status he wore like a uniform.