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金色九月,秋高气爽。Gold in September, autumn.

秋天天气晴朗,秋高气爽。It's clear and cool in autumn.

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一个秋高气爽的日子我们去野餐了。We went for a picnic on a crisp fall day.

我们在一个秋高气爽的日子去远足了。We went for an outing on a crisp fall day.

在这秋高气爽的季节,我们迎来了第四届英语艺术节。In autumn prime, we usher the 4th English Festival.

朋友,今天秋高气爽,让我们一起晾晒友谊,拔丝月亮。Friends, this autumn, let dry friendship, wire-pulling the moon.

一个秋高气爽的早晨,尽管早上有薄雾,黎明还是散发着亮光。On a crisp fall morning, dawn light glows though the morning mist.

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在此中秋佳节来临之际,愿你心情如秋高气爽!In this the occasion of the Mid-Autumn festival, let you feel as if fall!

甚至初冬,仍然存在秋高气爽天气的温馨。Even early winter, still had the bright and crisp fall days weather the warmth.

在一个秋高气爽的日子里,昭君告别了故土,登程北去。One balmy autumn day, Zhaojun bid a farewell to her hometown and set out to the north.

阴历9月这天,正值秋高气爽,适合旅行观光。The 9th lunar month, with clear autumn sky and bracing air, is a good time for sightseeing.

你想啥像啥,因为秋高气爽,蓝天更蓝白云更白。You want what 's like, because an invigorating autumn climate, the sky bluer whiter clouds.

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秋高气爽,一些树木却绿葱葱,大地铺盖了一层金黄色的叶片。Although it is autumn, many trees still remain green. The ground is floored by golden leaves.

绚丽多彩的朵朵烟花把溢满茶乡、秋高气爽的新田园城市点缀得更加璀璨迷人。Colorful tea-watching crowd to overflow, the new garden city autumn show was more breathtaking.

此时秋高气爽所以不会中暑,但也不冷,所以只要穿着轻便的服装即可。It is cool so you won't get sunstroke, but it is not too chilly so you can wear light clothing.

秋天则风雨较少,晴天较多,秋高气爽,万里无云,为登山观日出的黄金季节。Autumn is less rain, more sunny, clear and crisp, cloudless, golden sunrise for the climbing season.

昨日花开,我正走在夏日骄阳下,今朝月冷,分明已是秋高气爽八月天。Bloom yesterday, I was walking in the summer sun, eras on cold, clear day in August is already autumn.

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秋高气爽的一个早晨,天空下起了蒙蒙大雨,教室窗外有棵大树。A crisp fall morning, the sky misty rain began to fall, to have a big tree outside the classroom window.

金秋十月,秋高气爽,乌苏里江显得格外平缓、清澈。In October, the autumn sky was clear and the air was crisp, Wusuli River was especially gentle and lucid.

从阳春三月到秋高气爽的九月,仿若一晃间半年时间就过去了。From March to September as an invigorating autumn climate, as time passed between the first half of the year.