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你永远不会知道自己什么时候翘辫子。You never know when your time is up.

我的心翘辫子,死走了,你呢?Illusions of the, Love gone, What will you?

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他希望在他翘辫子之前看看他的孙子。He hopes to see his grandchildren before he turns up his toes.

你没听说吧?他翘辫子了。我想是因为心脏病。Didn't you hear ? He kicked the bucket. Had a heart attack , I think.

我希望在我翘辫子之前去澳大利亚看看我的孙子。I hope to see my grandchildren in Australia before I turn up my toes.

他们都怕你爷爷我,就跟怕雷劈和翘辫子那种自然力量。They fear me , like a force of nature, a dealer in thunder and death.

他们有一架长期待命的飞机,在我翘辫子的时候用。They keep one plane on permanent standby in case I should kick the bucket.

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只告诉她们,巫妖王已经翘辫子了,而伯瓦尔佛塔根与他两败俱伤了。Tell them only that the Lich King is dead, and that Bolvar Fordragon have died with him.

接着我问他能否让我把笔记本带到镇上复印,免得它翘辫子。Then I asked if I could take the notebook into town with me and photocopy it before it died.

既然他的叔叔不久就要翘辫子了,而他的房子和钱都归自己,自己何必要去费那么些功夫?。What was the point of all that effort when his uncle would soon kick the bucket and the old boy's house and money would be his?

“先生,”我严肃地说,“这是我的专业意见——这本子若不赶紧找人帮忙,用不着六个月就会翘辫子。”"Sir, " I said gravely, "here is my professional opinion—if this book does not get some help soon, it will be dead within the next six months. "

卫媳妇子叫她祥林嫂,说是自个儿母家的邻居,翘辫子当家人,所以出来做事了。A. Old Mrs. Wei introduced her as Sister-in-Law Xianglin, a neighbor of her mother's family, whose husband died and so she wanted to go out to work.

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唬弄大家的。现在各国都有了核武器,谁会在意。要是发生战争,统统会翘辫子。到时候,每个人都会争着找老鼠洞钻。Foolish you all. All countries have nuclear weapons now a days so who care. All will die no escape if War takes place. Each will look for rat Holes.

但是预测是件困难的事情,按照凯恩斯爵士的话说,那个时候“我们都翘辫子了”。However, predictions are a difficult thing, and according to Sir John Maynard Keynes, "The long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead."