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今天我们开始收割牧草。Today we begin the hay harvest.

苜蓿对天天来说是最好的牧草种类。Alfalfa is the best type of hay for a cavy.

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牧草调制干草和加工草粉利用模式。The utilization mode of hay and grass power.

你将得到你想要的燕麦和牧草。You will have all the oats and hay you want.

化肥可改变牧草的组成。Fertilizer modify the composition of herbage.

肥料可改变牧草的组成。Fertilizers modify the composition of herbage.

为收割牧草,他们花费了多少辛勤和汗水!H OW THEY TOILED AND SWEATED to get the hay in!

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农民可能用本地的牧草或外地的草种。A farmer might use native grasses or non-native seed.

为什么常见的猫尾草也叫梯牧草?Why is common herd's grass also called timothy grass?

农场主们打算将玉米田改种牧草。The farmers plan to lay the corn fields down to grass.

他往四周看了看,看到牛群正在牧草。He looked over at the field where the cows were grazing.

目前,一定数量牧草的遗传连锁图谱已经产生。Naw an extensive list of linkage maps have been dvafted.

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可以抽出一定比例的地块供收割牧草用。A proportion of the paddocks can be withdrawn for mowing.

广西大多数饲料、牧草缺锌。Most feedstuffs and forages in Guangxi were poor in zinc.

在夏天,这地区覆盖著绿茸茸的牧草。Th is region is clothed with luxuriant herbage in summer.

选用热带主要牧草草种进行长期定位试验。A long-term trial had been carried out on tropical forages.

牧草的饲用价值受许多因素的影响。The feeding value of forages is influenced by many factors.

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我们割地里的牧草给牛提供饲料。We mowed the field so as to provide the cattle with fodder.

像巴克斯登这样的乡下地方,会有多少牧草地?How many hayfields are there in a small rural town like Buxton?

那是一个富饶的,使人愉快的地方,材木苍然,牧草丰富。Itwas a pleasant fertile spot, well wooded and rich in pasture.