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他恼羞成怒,都要气炸了。He felt he would burst with anger and shame.

这样的一个小过失就让他恼羞成怒。He just flied into rage at such a peccadillo!

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如果你还没恼羞成怒的话,那就是对没有注意到。If you aren’t outraged, you haven’t been paying attention.

那只不过是一个恼羞成怒的诈骗犯所编造的含糊其辞的指控。It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard.

陈大恼羞成怒,让人找到领头的黑子,严刑拷问。Chen angry, let a person find the leading sunspot, torture.

他可是一个狂人!这样的一个小过失就让他恼羞成怒。He is such a fury! He just flied into rage at such a peccadillo !

罪恶的计划没有实现,让他恼羞成怒。His criminal plan didn't carry through, that drove him in a miff.

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如果亨利发现你一直对他说谎,他会恼羞成怒。Henry will climb up the wall if he finds out you've been lying to him.

恼羞成怒的贸易联盟放肆地封锁了和平的纳布星球以示抗议。Outraged, the Trade Federation brazenly blockaded the peaceful planet of Naboo in protest.

“大妈,你也笑话我么?”我不满他们一个个跟着麻雀笑,有点恼羞成怒的感觉。" Aunt, you laugh at me?" I resent them one by one with the smile, have become shame feeling.

更何况严词拒绝之后,女主人必定会恼羞成怒,这一点,约瑟不可能没有想过。And it must have occurred to Joseph how fearsome her wrath would be when he spurned her advances.

羚羊明白,猎人恼羞成怒,再次露出了马脚。The antelope realized that, by getting so angry, the hunter had given himself away a second time.

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龟井恼羞成怒,跳上坦克车向着金母开了过去。Mr Kamei become angry from embarrassment, jumped into the tanks to gold mother opened in the past.

王师北顿时恼羞成怒自以为刀锋是暗指本人。King division north immediately become angry from embarrassment thinks blade was alluding to himself.

一个恼羞成怒的中国球员谭望嵩抡起大脚踢到了比利时球员的裆部。A frustrated Chinese player, Tan Wangsong, swung his foot straight into the crotch of a Belgian player.

但是,埃及的主要官员们对此却恼羞成怒,声称金字塔被纳入此活动的评选中,简直是一种侮辱。But leading Egyptian officials were outraged by the contest, saying the pyramids shouldn't be put to a vote.

对那些恼羞成怒的蛇油贩子来说,科学无法证明他们贩卖的万灵药有任何所谓的功效。To the shame and chagrin of the snake oil pedlars, science has been of no help in supporting any of these claims.

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复诊几次也不见好转,他显得有些恼羞成怒,说我应该去找妇科。After a few visits and I didn't improve, he somehow seemed exasperated and embarrassed, and said I should go to a gynae.

今年春天朝鲜发射的远程导弹成为外国的众矢之的,被谴责后的它更是恼羞成怒,宣布会谈“已死”。In the spring North Korea, angry at foreign condemnation of its firing of a long-range missile, declared these talks dead.

眼看奸计没能得逞,赫拉恼羞成怒之下,将伊变成了一只透明的水瓶,要他永生永世为宙斯倒水。Unable to have things her way, Hera was so angry that she transformed Ganymede as a clear cup to pour water for Zeus forever.