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圣洁的尤纳塞阶级。Holy Order of the Yunasai.

这个阶级获得了成功And the state is winning out.

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文化的一部分是阶级层次。The cultural part is classist.

我出生于劳动阶级。I was born in the working-class.

从此,我从一个准金领阶级成为了创业者。It was then, I became an entrepreneur.

作者认为“将阶级作为写作的主题著实显得乏味。Class is a boring topic to write about.

人们说贵族阶级已是日薄西山了。People said the aristocracy was effete.

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种族与阶级更是不能忽略的问题。Race and class can't be easily ignored.

达到上等兵的阶级。Achieve the rank of Private First Class.

英国能否有朝一日成为一个无阶级社会?。Can Britain ever be a classless society?

只要有下层阶级,我就同俦。While there is a lower class I an in it.

中层阶级很少,and there's a huge lack of middle class,

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每个贵族阶级都有代表。Each rank of the peerage was represented.

西方社会分成几个不同的阶级。Western society cleaves along class lines.

他反对对于贵族阶级的奉承。He objected to the toadying to aristocracy.

这种阶级制度是一种基因的质量吗?Is this hierarchy, again, a genetic quality?

一点阶级友爱精神都没有。A bit of class solidarity spirit not to have.

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阶级偏见即使不能根除,也被削弱。Class bias was ameliorated if not eliminated.

美国被认为一个没有阶级的社会。The USA is reputed to be a classless society.

美国阶级在分化。America’s classes are separating and changing.