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还有我的岳父岳母。And my mother-in-law and father-in-law.

我的岳母是自然死亡的。My mother-in-law died of natural causes.

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我的岳母意外地出现。My mother-in-law turned up unexpectedly.

莎拉是珍妮的婆婆和德克立的岳母。Sarah is Jenny's and Derick's mother-in-law.

“人人都会感到难过,”他岳母说。“Anyone can be sorry, ” his mother-in-law said.

文斯很讨厌去他岳母家。Vince loathed going to his mother-in-law's house.

我的岳母和迪克·凯利也都对我的错表现得很大度。My mother-in-law and Dick Kelley were great to me.

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你的新老板怎么样?你岳母这人怎么样?What's your new boss like?What's your mother-in-law like?

猎人和妻子,岳母一起去非洲狩猎,夜宿在丛林中。A big-game hunter went on safari with his wife and mother-in

阿尔弗里兹为卡拉和岳母塑了胸像。Alfred decided to take a bust of Kala as well as of her mother.

“你的行为简直像畜生,”他岳母说。“You’ve behaved like a complete shit, ” his mother-in-law said.

一位职业猎人带着妻子和岳母一块去游猎。A big-game hunter went on safari with his wife and mother-in-law.

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接下来的一天,岳母过来救济支援我们了。The next day, my mother-in-law comes over to give us some relief.

埃文斯先生甚至还花费了六个月的时间才得以取回他那年高九旬的岳母的轮椅。Evans six months to recover his 90-year-old mother-in-law’s wheelchair.

邻居既亲朋戚友来送岳母最后一程。Relatives, neighbours and friends during the final send off procession.

在我岳母到达以前,我们竭尽全力地收拾房子。We worked fit to bust to tidy the house before my mother-in-law arrived.

他工作和生活的地方已经成了一片废墟,很快他又得知,他的岳母被埋在下面。Somewhere under the rubble, he soon learned, his mother-in-law lay buried.

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崔宁听说妻子是鬼,就回家去问岳父岳母。Hearing that his wife was a ghost, Cui went home to ask his parents-in-law.

一些文化甚至完全禁止与公公婆婆或岳父岳母的直接交流。Some cultures have even barred all direct communication with parents-in-law.

西门的岳母正在发烧躺着,他们立刻告诉耶稣。But Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever, and anon they tell him of her.