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维护阶段。Maintenance stage.

他维护了自己的权利。He maintained his rights.

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它维护了真相。It's assertions of truth.

愿上帝维护正义。May God defend the right.

维护仓库区。Maintain storage errorareas.

维护它的人不会是我。I will not be maintaining it.

支持完全在线维护。Support full-line maintenance.

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他表示愿意维护正义。He proffered to uphold justice.

我们需要维护一切。We need to conserve everything.

维护计划估算成本。Maintain plan imputed cost calc.

他的维护费很低。His maintenance cost is very low.

质量和软件维护。Quality and software maintenance.

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维护实际估算成本计算。Maintain actual imputed cost calc.

中国是个维护正义的国家。China is a justice-upholding country.

旧话重提,可维护性问题The maintainability problem revisited

它的主要作用是维护和平。Their main role is as a peace-keeper.

维护用户会话相关状态Maintaining user session-related state

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免维护的无碳刷变频电机。Maintenance-free brushless drive motor.

需要开发和维护的代码多得多。Much more code to develop and maintain.

浪漫也意谓着你要经常对她进行维护。Romance also means routine maintenance.