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他正在用套索套一匹野马。He was roping a wild horse.

按选择套索工具。Pressto select the Lasso Tool.

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缺的只是一条套索。The only thing missing is a noose.

你和你的未婚妻将面临刽子手的套索。You and your fiancee face the hangman 's noose.

那个牛仔用套索套住了那匹失控的脱缰野马。The cowboy caught the runaway horse with a rope.

小牛要用套索套住,用绳子捆得结结实实。The calves would have to be lassoed and roped up.

落山基研究房屋的房顶上是两套索乐图产品。On the roof of the RMI house are these two Solatubes.

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使用多边形套索工具选择并删除旧脑袋。Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to select and delete it.

我们曾被这样的套索处以私刑,我们曾被这样的套索谋杀。The nooses are no prank. We were lynched, we were murdered.

使用套索在你的图像周围画一个粗略的选区。Use your Lasso to draw a rough selection around your image.

我们曾被这样的套索处以私刑,我们曾被这样的套索谋杀。The nooses are no prank. We were lynched, we were murdered.

使用多边形套索工具将面膜部分抠出来吧。Mark out the mask along its contour with Polygonal Lasso Tool.

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这套索风格项链是可调的,由15至18英寸。This lariat style necklace is adjustable from 15 to 18 inches.

由于这个套索可以随着大小进行变化,所以它能很好地适合任何大小的扁虱。Because the lasso varies in size, it fits every tick perfectly.

作为一名工程师,我非常喜欢这个套索的创意和外形,所以立刻就买了一个。As an engineer, I liked the look of the lasso idea and bought one.

此时,罪犯被从套索上搬下来,放在一张桌子上。The criminal would then be removed from the noose and laid on a table.

他在我们每个人头上套上一个套索,然后我们被拉进了直升飞机。He put a harness on each of us, and we were hauled into the helicopter.

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套索工具在使用笔记本电脑来编发图片时不允许使用。The Lasso Tool should not be used when using a laptop to file pictures.

现在我得准备好套索和绳子,把它绑在船边,他想。Now I must prepare the nooses and the rope to lash him alongside, he thought.

在背景层上方新建一个层,使用套索工具绘制一个三角形。Time to fix with the background. Create a new layer above the background layer.